Swings and Roundabouts

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I've never been afraid of heights,
The thrill of falling through the air as though these chains were wings.
Higher and Higher I swing as the rush takes over,
Until I'm tall and can touch the trees.
Back and forth, I am a pendulum of delight and laughter,
Where the sun touches my skin warmth blooms, and I am satisfied.

Round and round in circles, how I spin and fly,
But all too soon, it stops, and everything is still.
Calloused hands grip the bars as I start to run and push,
And on, I jump and hold on tight as I whirl around again.

I haven't felt so free since,
Now that I'm older and grown up I'm seeking that feeling again.
Of freedom and delight and flying,
But in a person I can share it with.

Grown up feels like a prison,
One I rarely leave to find joy and happiness.
They were right the ones before me,
It ain't all swings and roundabout.

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