stepping stones

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Across a river lies a path made of stepping stones,
The water rivets and streams around them but never over the surface,
So slipping is impossible, or so you would think.

A metaphor before the adventurer,
To cross to the other side, one need only take a step,
But one false move and you fall into the water,
This is a reminder of your failure and the consequences of overstepping.

Each advance to the next step brings promise of success and new surroundings,
A different perspective and point of view,
From the side you were on to the one you're going to now look a lot different.

Behind you is the past, but how could that be?
How strange to think only moments ago you were at present, merely thinking of moving forward,
And now here you are,
Planning for what comes next and dare I say, looking to the future.

Quite a serious thought for one who only wants to cross a river,
But look down where you are and notice the stones are mere obstacles,
And yet the river still finds a way to manoeuvre its way round,
Even in nature, the only way forward is to simply move.

And so there is your answer dear one,
Life is merely a series of stepping stones,
And each one is different and some may even lead you in different directions,
That's part of the fun being on adventure,
You never really know where you'll end up.

That is until you take a step.

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