The one who'll love me, someday

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It's an odd feeling thinking of a future that may never be,
When I imagine the one who'll love me, this is what I see,
A man with good humour and grace,
With a smile that knots my thoughts like a child's shoelace.

In his touch, he sets fire that blooms in my soul,
And travels to every part of me until I am whole,
He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen,
And he will be king and I his queen.

It is a future that isn't real, but oh, what it could be,
Someone who'll see all my love and see me,
He'll wrap his arm around my waist and pull me in close,
And whisper in my ear, "I love you the most."

With my eyes closed and all my heart,  I make that wish over and over,
But I'd have better luck finding a 4 leafed clover,
If I ever met him, then I'd know what I'll say,
To the one who will love me, someday.

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