Words and Power

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There is power in words that a sharp tongue can wield,
Or a soft murmur can caress and present its warmth in a simple phrase.
Tone and expression wrapped around sounds that can uplift and carry us forward,
Or knock us back and drag us to depths of our minds where despair festers and rolls like restless tides.

But saying the right thing can transform an aching heart into a dizzying sprint, not just by saying "I love you,"
But describing your favour in other ways.
"I adore you," "I respect you," "let me know when you're home safe," "I appreciate you," that's the way to most hearts.

Sadness, if not already provoked, can be summoned by insults and ridicule,
Souls so lost by people's indiscretion and mindless comments,
It's enough to make anyone feel out of sorts or worse,
They say that people who aren't knowledgeable in kindness make up for their ignorance with sincere stupidity,
And if that is the case, they practice rather well to everyone's dismay.

There is power in words even though we are taught to disregard the negative and embrace the positive, how we react and deal with the comments of others says so much more about us than any word could describe,
Actions speak louder than words, so it is known, but that doesn't take away the significance of what we say.
And though saying them is temporary, the effects still leave a mark.

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