Part 3

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"Well, my name is Shinichiro Sano. What's yours?" he said, trying not to scare me any more than I already was

"Y- Y/n l/n" I mumbled

"Well, Y/n-Chan, since you have nowhere to live, do you want to come live with me and my family?" He said with a smile

"Are you a pedophile or something?" I said, looking down. While he looked hurt by what I said, it was true that someone doesn't just randomly go up to a kid and ask them to move into their house.

"No, I'm not. I can't leave a little kid to live on the streets," he said. He seemed set on taking me in, and who was I to stop him? I was living under a slide, for god sake.

"Do I get food too?" I asked because I was starving.

He laughed and said yes as I let him lead me to his house as he talked about his younger siblings around my age.


When I finally got to his house, two children came running out and hugged Shinichiro. But as they turned to me, their expressions became confused.

"Who are you?" the little girl asked excitedly

"Umm, I-i'm Y/n," I said

"I, Emma, and this is Mikey," she said happily

"Why are you so skinny?" Mikey turned to you and asked as Shinichiro hit the back of his head.

"Oww, what was that for," Mikey asked

"That's rude, Mikey," he said


⚠️ Second person ⚠️

(Years later)

The Sano family adopted you into the family and treated you as family. You and Mikey were close, even a founder of Toman and some of his friends. You were close with Kazutora and Baji and hung out with them almost daily.


You and the group discussed Mikey's upcoming birthday and planned for it while Mikey was sleeping.

"So what are you going to get him?" You asked Baji, but Kazutora answered instead.

"It's a surprise, so we can't tell you," He said, smirking

"What, why not?" You puffed up your cheeks, pouting

"Because you can't keep a secret to save your life," Baji said

"That's not true," you said

"Oh yea remember when we threw Draken a surprise birthday party, and you told him about his party and what we all got him," Kazutora said

"That was an accident I was pressured into telling him," you said, pouting

"Oh yeah, saying 'hi Y/n' is pressuring someone now," Kazutora said, laughing while you glared.

"Okay, I get it. I'm not good at keeping secrets," you whispered, hoping they wouldn't hear you admit it.

"What's that? We can't hear you," Baji said, still laughing

"I'm not repeating it," you half yelled while they snicker

"Anyways, I better get going. Shinichiro is taking me shopping for a gift for Mikey." You Said, waving to them bye.


Little time skip

"Shinichiro, I'm here," you said happily as you took his hand and dragged him out of his shop.

"Hold on, y/n, I need to close the shop," he said, laughing at how eager you were to get Mikey a gift.

"Okay," you said, pouting.

You went inside the shop and sat on a chair at the register. At the same time, Shinichiro locked everything up as you complained about waiting. But eventually, he finished as you two were both on your way to the shopping center.

When you arrived, your eyes lit up as you looked around, and Shinichiro followed you.

As you looked, you saw a tattoo shop, and with sparks in your eyes, you turned to Shinichiro. Still, before you could say anything, Shinichiro hit the back of your head.

"Nope, not today," he said as he dragged you away from the shop

"What? How did you know what I was going to say," you asked

"You are not getting a tattoo," she said, turning to look at you

"Don't worry, I don't want a tattoo. I want to bring Mikey to get him a tattoo as his birthday gift from me," you said happily While Shinichiro massaged his head.

"No, I'm not letting either of you get tattoos."

"Well, what if you get a tattoo gun and I tattoo him?" you say, hoping he would say yes, but he just said no again, causing you to pout.


As you continued to walk, you came across a glass window. You saw a chain bracelet that looked similar to a Shinichiro necklace but a bracelet.

"Look, Shinichiro," you said, pointing at the bracelet.

"This is what I'm getting him," you said happily as you practically ran into the store. 

Authors notes 📝
I hope you liked the chapter 😊

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