Chilly ( Tfp Optimus prime x fem reader)

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Takes place during season 1 ep 7, titled Scrapheap. Where Optimus and Arcee get stuck in the Arctic from a malfunction at base, but what if you where there too?

Y/n POV ~~

I snap back from my daydream when I heard Ratchet's scolding.

"The only way to be certain your fine bulkhead is to endure standard defrosting procedure! You know exposure to sub zero conditions can cause permanent systems damage." Ratchet scolded the wrecker, I chuckle and get off the couch at the little human area.

As I approach the group of bots, Optimus approaches as well.

"Ratchet, have you learned anything more about our Arctic find?" Optimus asked,

"Not yet. The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid." Ratchet sighed, Optimus nodded softly.

"Arcee, prepare for departure. We're going to the Arctic." I shot up and without even thinking-

"Oh my god, can I go with?! I haven't seen snow in like two years." I jump up, hopeful for a yes.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Y/n. The Arctic is nothing like around here. You're acclimated to jaspers weather."

"Well I know that, I have all my snow gear here though from when Bulk took us to that concert that was during the fall and it was freezing. And I also grew up in Canada, have you ever walked through a blizzard wearing a sundress?" I ask the medic, who's face contorted into an expression of confusion.

"... no."

"Yeah I don't recommend. Please can I go with? It's just recon and we're a groundbridge away." I lay out my arguments, making Ratchet pause before turning to Optimus.

"Do you want her to go with you?" Ratchet groaned in mild annoyance.

"As long as you have the proper gear, you may accompany us. But as soon as you start to shiver, you are being sent back to base. We cannot risk injury or your life."

"Ah! Thank you Optimus! I'll be right back." I bolt to another room down the hall that me, Miko, Jack, and Raf sometimes store stuff that we commonly use here or just forget to take back home.

I get changed into the appropriate clothes and make my way out and over to Optimus and Arcee.

"Optimus, as Y/n's guardian I trust that you'll keep her safe. Even if it's recon." Ratchet was still unsure, and Arcee looked down to me.

"You're coming with?" She asked, I nodded happily. Arcee chuckled and smiled.

"When your sensors go off, return immediately. Remember when your core temperature reaches the blue zone, system failures aren't likely, they're imminent." Ratchet warned but before anyone could get another word out, the sounds of engines humming and approaching.

"Miss us Doc-bot!" Miko exited Bee with Raf and Jack, Ratchet groaned in annoyance.

"Ugh, shouldn't they be in school?"

"No? It's Saturday. I thought you knew since I was the first one here." I peer up at the medic.
Next Jack and Raf exited bee, and Miko approached me.

"Hey Y/n!" Miko pretty much leaped into my arms for a hug. Aw...

"Hey Miko, you excited to spend the weekend with the bots?" I ask, also excited with the planned slumber party.

"Heck yeah dude! Two whole days to annoy Ratchet! Awesome." She gave a mischievous grin, but it quickly morphed into a face of confusion
"Um why are you wearing that?"

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