🌙They find you crying☀️

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Optimus prime
"Y/n, what happened?"
Optimus would immediately approach you, but not make contact incase you would not want to be. So unless you ask or go to him he'll only touch your shoulders or hands.

"Are you hurt? What's wrong?"
Since he's a doctor, he immediately thinks your hurt. Though if emotional distress, he'll try to calm you down the best he can. And maybe tell you story's of cybertron.

:Hey, uh, you okay? Something wrong?:
Bee would take you somewhere private, and just let you talk it out. And offer advice if you wish. And a hug. Or two.

"Hey what's with the water works, did someone do this? I'll beat their aft-" he's... supporting. Not the best at comfort , but good at confrontation if he needs to beat someone up.

"Y/n? What happened! Are you okay!" She'd be scared at first. Did someone hurt you? Threatened you? What happened! But once you explained what happened she's very comforting and reassuring.

Ultra Magnus
"What's the matter?" He's unsure of what to do, and probably wouldn't understand your problems, but seeing how the affect you would make him take them seriously, and try to help.


"Why are you leaking lubricant out of your eyes?" Megatron doesn't fully understand the concept of crying, but he knows that you are upset.
He will at first think you got hurt and will threaten everyone until he learns what happened.

"I- Hey! ... what's wrong...?" He's extremely confused, why on earth is his conjux upset? Why would they have a reason if I'm around? But if anyone hurt you, he's going behind Megatron's back immediately and killing somebody.

"Ah, what is the issue my dear?" He's immediately gentle and caring with you, ready to drop everything and listen. If the issue was someone else, he'd wait for their next check up, and do more damage then healing.

"..." he'd say nothing (how shocking), but if he did, I'd be questions of who. Who did this? If it was no one's fault, he's a great listener, and able to comfort you quite well.

"Down in the dumps today are we? So tell me, who do I need to scrap?" Airachnid has... unique ways to make you feel better, like describing the ways she'd hurt and kill the people that upset you, but whatever works... and sometimes she's actually does it.

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