: zero

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You had me entranced. And I hated you for that.

Your eyes were like nothing I had ever seen before. Almond-shaped, plain and dull in colour - the ugliest brown I had ever seen - yet swimming with more emotions then I could ever comprehend.

Brown hair atop your head, styled casually as if a lazy hand has just parted the locks of your fringe across your forehead. Almost greasy in their appearance, they practically screamed 'bad boy', but I wasn't aquatinted with bad boys, only the ones in romance novels that my mother or sister read.

Yet, the bad boys never really were bad boys-they were handsome, had a few tattoos, a motorbike, a leather jacket, ripped skinny-jeans, and completed the package with a few skipped classes.

This was my impression of a bad boy.

Up until I met you, I though a bad boy was the love of every woman's life. I thought they were all like that-like a good chocolate fondant, almost. Hard on the outside, gooey on the inside; warm all over.

I thought bad boys were capable of love. I though that a kiss would change it all.

But you just had to go ahed and fuck everything up, didn't you? Like a shock to the system, you were.

Not at all the least bit attractive-I mean, you had a nice pair of cheekbones and a round face that complemented them, but that was as far as it went-you had still managed to make my heart stop.

With your slightly plump lips that looked almost scarred-as if you hated them that much you'd spent hours beforehand attempting to chew them off-and your eyes as ugly as shit and your face that was round like a child's and a nose that was pointed and slightly askew, you were the whole reason I was screwed.

Because I was curious. Curiosity killed the cat, I knew well, only I was waiting for the satisfaction that would bring me back. And I found something that brought me back, crawling and mewling like a kitten without it's mother.

Only it wasn't love, and it wasn't care or affection or anything else I desired from you. It was something so tainted and something I knew would ruin me.

You fucking ruined me.

But really, we all knew that I had ruined myself.

And when I came crashing down, nothing at all would save me from this mess of mine.

[ dedicated to KissesofInk because she's a bae and i can't stress it enough ]

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