: eight

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The Monday morning blues had set in almost the instant I walked through the doors to class. A sigh was heavy on my lips, almost weighing me down completely as the shrill bell emptied the halls.

My first few periods on a Monday morning were never fun - I was greeted with calculus, and next algebra.

The teacher, Mr Quin - an old, balding man who lacked in height but made up for it in confidence - almost ignored me as I stepped through the classroom, eyes just catching on me as I slipped into my seat.

But I didn't notice the double-take.

"Parker, can you come here, please?" It was an order, not a question, and with another sigh heavy on my lips, I pushed myself up, walking to the front of the class.

"You were absent from two classes last week. Why? You were there that day, I know because I checked the rolls. You're good at this class, Parker, so why the sudden need to ditch my class?" There was an irritated edge to his tone that betrayed the attention he had on me. It was obvious that he could be doing other things instead of chastising me for wagging.

I shrugged lifelessly, shoving my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket. It was the same one I wore on Friday night, because, for some, strange reason, I felt that you'd notice me in it.

"I don't know. I just... got bored, I suppose."

Mr Quin shook his head at me. "Tut tut, Parker, because you're failing the class, almost. I suggest you pay more attention." He turned away, letting the words sink in.

But they didn't make me shiver with fear or make my stomach drop. I simply shrugged, turned my back and walked to my desk, grasping my books and pencils and leaving - almost so quickly, Mr Quin didn't even see me by the time he had turned back around.

He shouted my name, the grumble emitting anger and frustration, "Parker!"

Yet I continued walking. I didn't really have any idea of where to go or what to do - study in the library, perhaps, though if I gave any crap about studying, I'd be in class.

So I allowed myself to walk, roam the halls with no direction whatsoever. Despite, I felt almost at home, nothing weighing on my mind, nothing to do, just nothing.

It felt strangely empowering and disabling at the same time - confusing me and pleasing me at the ease I was at.

But I should have known that my euphoria wouldn't last forever, as my eyes caught onto you, disappearing up the stairs in a rush.

Even the simple glimpse of your dark jeans and jacket made me grin. I felt elation bubble in my blood, and quickly, my strides sped up, and my hands grasped around the edge of the wall, pushing myself up the stairs and after you.

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