: fourteen

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I had told myself to leave.

Leave this party and this house and leave this life and everything. Leave. Leave before it was too late.

But it already was too late.

I was already walking through the abyss of people and the sea of sweat to find you. Countless rooms I looked in, miles it seemed I walked.

Still, you weren't there.

I wondered for a moment if you were hiding from me, and then decided I needed another drink.

The creamy leather couch with the coffee table laden with bottles and cups and glass and concoctions of people and colour had me curious. Entranced by the strange beauty, I made my way there, reaching down to grasp a bottle of clear alcohol that smelt just like the last one.

I eyed it warily; the lid was already gone, and so was more the half the bottle. I didn't bother reading the label, shrugging a little and putting the neck to my lips.

I drank barely any of it, yet my throat burned unpleasantly, and a warm heat seeped through my limbs, invigorating and oddly refreshing.

"You gonna have any more of that?" someone asked, and I looked down, meeting the bright, almost wide eyes of a girl. She was dressed of this scene, tall shoes, short dress, red lips, and had her blue gaze set on the bottle in my hand.

I passed it to her, shaking my head, and with clumsy fingers she took it, chugging down almost twice the amount I did. She hissed as she pulled it away.


I nodded in reply, and she placed the thing back down on the table. Pushing some papers and cups aside, I watched as she grasped a small plastic bag, filled with little green pills.

She pried it open, popped on into her mouth, and swallowed. He eye lidded shut, and she sighed.

"Want one?" she asked, handing the bag to me.

I eyed it, and her, and narrowed my eyes, glaring. "No, thanks."

I grasped the bottle again, and walked away.

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