: two

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I didn't see you for two days. Either you had purposely avoided the roof because of me, or you were off doing something else. Like class, for once.

I doubted it.

Yet when I saw you on Friday - that small glimpse of dark hair that I knew was your-my heart swelled, pulse quickening to an erratic speed.

Why, I had no idea, but it made me uncomfortable, the way I reacted around you. Like you were a bomb, and the more time I spent around you the closer you'd be to exploding.

I wonder how long I'd last...

You were at your locker, grabbing something from it that I couldn't see. Flanked by throngs of people - some who where just attempting to get to their class, others who were attempting talking to you - I could barely see your dark hair.

You weren't wearing your shades, but still, you seemed transparent to the chaos erupting around you. Mouth moving as if taking, I could see a smile flirt with your lips, but you didn't let it last.

Reluctantly, I tore my eyes away. Sending my gaze furiously back to the inside of my locker, I fumbled around before a nudge on my shoulder startled me, sending me jumping back and making me almost scream.

I sighed loudly, my gaze meeting Sebastian's.

"Any other way you could have done that without scaring the shit out of me?" I muttered, snapping at my best friend, even though I wasn't really angry, only irritated.

"Not really," he replied, trademark grin stapled to his face.

I doubt you knew him - Sebastian Fell. He was popular and rich, like you, but he was one of the soccer jocks, and they, fit, heathy and with a scholarship and career well ahed of them, never would associate with someone like you.

But I doubt you would want to associate with him, either.

He's not the type to accept your cigarettes.

"Who you staring at?" he questions, cocky as ever as he nudges me again. His blue eyes are electric as they press me for more, and I almost blush under his stare.

"No one," I mutter, grabbing my books for math, though I have no intention of going. I guess you're not the only one with the façade, now.

My hands fumble with the door, and I look up at you for a spilt second, regretting it instantly when Sebastian catches my gaze and who it's pointed at.

"Eyes on Seokjin, hey?" he raises a brow, nudging me once more, harder this time, and I look up, eyes instinctively looking back up.

The careless way your name falls from his lips makes my blood rush throughout my limbs, and I feel like I've just run a marathon, heavy and loose.

"I just wonder what his problem is, you know?" I attempt, steering the conversation away from where Sebastian no doubt desires it to lead.

Shutting my locker door, the bell rings, sharp and harsh, and we walk away.

"No," he replies, shaking his head, making the loose brown curls shift over his forehead. "I don't care, really. He's does drugs and I don't - like, religiously don't do drugs. I don't know why you're looking at him, Park."

I laugh roughy, forcing the sound from my dry throat. "Neither."

He smiles at me, and I grin back, best I can. "You coming to soccer practice Friday night? All the boys are going to this awesome party that Nathan's holding after it. There's beer, if that's what I need to convince you," Sebastian laughs, bumping shoulders as we keep on walking.

I know we're late, but neither of us make may move to walk faster. It's Tuesday afternoon, hot as hell outside, and, shockingly, the teachers are usually sympathetic to us on days like this.

Despite, I know I won't be going to class.

"I'll try," I tell him, shrugging. "I don't know if I'm up for partying tonight." And I'm really not. Like your cigarettes aren't my scene, neither are Sebastian's parties. Though he's only actually held a couple, the whole idea isn't as pleasing as I once thought it was. "Who's going again?"

Sebastian's brow creases, half a frown crossing his lips. "I don't know who specifically, but there's college kids going and all. I just don't want to be around the team while they're drunk off their ass and trying to pick up chicks, you know?"

I nod my head slowly, feet moving instinctively to the stairs. "Yeah, I get you."

He notices the movement, and I hesitate. Math is down the hall, just a few doors further, not up the stairs, not where I plan to go.

"Where are you going?" Sebastian asks, smiling in confusing with a tilt of his head.

I chuckle, resisting the urge to look down at my feet. I meet his eyes, bright and wide, but I ignore the way he looks almost betrayed. "Not to class, for sure."

And I step up the stairs, leaving my best friend and his gaping mouth behind.

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