Chap 3 mom

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Holly POV

Everyone sits down on the couch. And the movie starts lets just say this girl is just like my mother. And now it's the part when she is human and tries using legs Hayes laughs and says "Hey look it's Holly" And they all laugh and I say "I wasn't use to them" and then she walks and she sings and now the movie is over hayes says "I wonder if the story is true" I say "half of it" and he says "what" I say "when I was little my mom would tell me stories about a whitch who took her voice but in the end she killed my mothers love and in Eric's last words were find someone new to love and love them like you love me move on he knew my mother would be devastated if he died but my mother moved on and met my dad and they had me" They all look at me and jack j says "you remind me of a mermaid" and I say "well I'm not" and I yawn and nash says "tired" I nod and he chuckles and picks me up. and brings me too his bed and I say "no I will sleep on the couch it's your bed" and he says "hey you had a long day sleep in my bed I will take the couch" I say "no...fine you can sleep with me no it that way I mean-" I got cut off with his laugh and he hops in the bed and grabs my waist and pulls me close and I snuggle up to him. Dam I just met him and. I am already falling for him.

Nash POV

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer god I just met her and I'm falling for her

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