Chap 4 singing

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Holly POV

I wake up and try getting out of Nash's grip but he has a strong grip. I wiggle out of his grip and walk downstairs I am wearing a crop top and shorts and I go downstairs and admire my legs I start singing and all mermaids have amazing voices but I'm Royalty and my mother was the had the best voice so mine is unbelievable.

I sing.

Now if we're talking body you got a perfect one so put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

My hips were swaying to the music you are probably wondering how do you know this song well there was a collage party on land for humans And I decided to take a peek and I heard this song and I fell in love with it.

If you love me right fuck for live on and on and on

I hear a gasp behind me I see shawn there with wide eyes and mouth open. I say "oh my gosh shawn I'm sorry did I wake you" he just runs downstairs and lifts me in the air by my waist he holds me like I weigh nothing and screams "FINALLY SOMEONE CAN SING IM NOT ALONE" and he hugs me I hear footsteps and I look up and see everyone looking sleepy and hayes says "Shawn I was sleeping what's wrong" and he says "she is now part of magcon" and The jacks say "show me some talent" and sit in the couch so does everyone. and Shawn says "come on please Holly" and I sigh in defeat and sing

Now if we're talking body you got a perfect one so put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right we can fuck for life on and on and on

And I finish and everyone looks at me the same way Shawn did. And cam yells "SHES IN" and hugs me mahogany cries and I say "mahogany what's wrong" and she screams "I FINALLY HAVE A GIRL" wow she's emotional. We all hug but I keep my distance from mahogany cause her face is wet.

Hayes says "we have a show in 3hours we have to tell bart" matt takes out his phone and calls this bart guys number he answers and matt says

Matt-hey we have a surprise for you

Bart-what is it

Matt- we met a girl and she sings like really good and Shawn was wondering if she could do a duet

Bart- this girl Better not suck I want to hear her

Matt- trust me she is really good her name is Holly

Bart-ok when you guys come I want to hear her sing

Matt-k later bart

And Matt ends the call. Hayes says "yay I'm not the shortest" and I say "Ya but your still the weakest" and he says "am not" and I say "are too" and Carter says "ok arm wrestle" and we go to the table.

I say "I will go easy on you baby" and he says "please don't I like a challenge" and I mutter "hope you like losing" and we bring our arms up on the table. Nash says "I'm soo vining this" and I'm confused "vining" whatever.

Nash says "ready go" and hayes and I try to bring each other's hand down and I use my strength a shot him down. everyone shouts 'ooohhh' and nash says "she owned you" and I look at nash and say "like you could do better" and he says "bitch I know I can" and I say "bring it" and we put our hands on the table cam says "vine" and I stop and say "ok what's vine" and they look at me and Taylor says "it's an app we are famous on" I nod and cam yells "GO" and nash and I try to get each other's down and then BAM! I win and everyone laughs and says 'ooohhh' and mahogany says "she is official my sister" and I squeal and say "I never had a sister before" and she hugs me I hug her back and she says "lets go swimming" and everyone says "YES". And I look down then I'm being pulled to a room I notice it's mahoganys. she says "ok girl what's wrong you like hate water are you ok" and I say "I'm fine" and she looks at me and says "tell me please" and I say "I can't" and she gives me a pouty face. and says "fine then your not my sister" my heart broke and I scream "I'll tell you" she smiles and says "well"

I sigh and say "swear on your life you can't tell anyone and you can't freak out keep your cool" and she says "babe I always keep my cool" and I mumble "don't let me regret this" and I take a bottle of water and dump it in my legs then I fall to the ground and my clothes are off and my tail appears oh I missed my tail its beautiful. And it's quite big (if you forget what tail looks like go to the pic in chap 1) and mahogany looks at me and she grabs a pillow and puts her face in it and screams her fucking head off.

She walks up and I say "want to feel it" she nods quickly and puts her hand on it but she quickly jerks it away and says "eww slimy" I giggle and she says "ohh do you have powers" I nod and say "I swim fast I can move water I have healing powers and if I get water on me I will turn into this" and she says "we have to tell the boys" and I yell "NO" she says "why not" and I say "I don't trust them enough yet you know and plus I'm not even suppose to be doing this it's illegal to tell humans" and she says "wait does this mean wolves and vampires are real too" I nod and she squeals and yells "I WILL FIND YOU JACOB" I laugh and. Say "get me a towel" she nods and gives one to me I dry off all the water and my two legs appear.

And she says "that's why you didn't know anything like how to walk or who we were" I nod. and stand up she says "why did you leave the sea" and I say "it was my dream to come up here to meet humans and walk in TWO legs and my fatter said no and yelled and I was royalty and was suppose to marry some stuck up snobby rich merman. but I didn't want that" and mahogany says "royalty" and I nod and say "I am the king of Atlantis's daughter" and she yells "ATLANTIS" and I nod she says "this is officially the coolest day ever" I chuckle and walk out of her room. We head on our private beach were the boys were.

We walk up and see the boys in the water. I sit on the sand and play with it. The waves become bigger and bigger and the wind blows and I hear my dad yell "WHY ARENT YOU BACK" and lighting thrashes and the wind blows harder. everyone heads inside and cam screams "COME ON HOLLY" and shake my head and run to the edge of the dick and scream at my farther "SHUT UP I DONT CARE ANYMORE I LIKE IT UP HERE" and be yells back "YOU ARE ROYALTY-" I cut him off by yelling "I DONT CARE GIVE IT TOO SOMEONE ELSE" and he sighs and says "what about nick" and I huff and say "I'm not gonna marry that stuck up merman" he sighs and the waves stop crashing and wind stops blowing.

I walk inside and say "you can go outside now" and jack g says "ok wtf what did you do it looked like a hurricane out there a minute ago this is the second time what is going on" and I shrug and they walk outside.

2 hours later

We all drive to this event place and the boys drag me to this bart mans office when I get in he says "sing" and I sing

Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned

But just because it burns doesn't mean your gonna die

You gotta get up and try try try

I end and he looks at me and says "someone buy this girl a phone set her up on all social media accounts and Holly looks like your part of MAGON" and I squeal and say "thanks" an he says "no prob" and I read his mind 'yes another kid to make money off of' ugh now I don't like him and I just met him.

I walk out and say "I'm in" and they all scream and mahogany says "cool let me show you my dj stuff" I say "your a dj" also she nods and we runs to her equipment.

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