Agony in the Garden

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Hello fellow readers! Thank you SO MUCH for clicking on my story. What ya have here is called "The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ." The title pretty much sums everything up.

Please read my story, and I hope that someway my story has moved you. I want everyone who reads my story to be touched in some way, even it is the realization that man, you just love Jesus even more now!

Please like, share, and REVIEW!! I would really appreciate it, because the more people that will hopefully love Jesus even more now and realize that he went through all of this for YOU!

Also, give me suggestions! Would you like to see a certain person's point of view? More of something? Let me know!


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed—Isaiah 53:5

Agony in the Garden

The Garden of Gethsemane drew near. The ivy vines surrounding the Iron Gate wrapped around the first-seen trees, choking them in desperation to have a life of their own. The dew-crested grass glistened in the light of the almost full moon. It was dark, past 9 o'clock in the evening.

A man and his eleven followers stood near the entrance of the gate, not entering quite yet. The man—the leader, it seemed—motioned to eight of his followers. His speaking must have been persuasive, for they all stepped away and sat on the large rocks blocking the Garden entrance. They were content to sitting, while the leader and three final followers slowly stepped into the grass Garden in the dead of night.

They made no comment to one another as they trudged up the slight hill. Each one of their breaths puffed out into the night air, a powder of white. The larger follower stumbled over a tree root, and his friend caught him. But the leader did neither help him or even turn around. He limped through the Garden, a certain destination in his mind.

"Where is he taking us?" John asked Peter as he regained to a stand. "Why did he leave the others behind?"

Peter shrugged, unsure what to say. His Lord had been acting strange the entire evening. It was as if he knew something was going to happen, but Peter didn't know what.

From up above, a black crow flew by, cawing. Peter flinched as he watched the bird fly by, past the large moon and into the trees, now hidden from view. The twigs as to which the bird had landed on shook with the newly applied weight. The crow continued to caw.

The words of his Savior reflected in the back of his mind. What had his Lord been talking about that night? Why had he seemed so sure that him—Peter—would betray his Lord and Savior? It was unheard of. Peter thought of the conversation that had taken place a few hours earlier.

"Simon, Simon," Jesus said, "behold Satan has demanded to sift all you like wheat, but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers."

Peter told him wholeheartedly, "I will, Lord. But do not be worried about my faith being shaken. Satan will not grab hold of me. I am prepared to go to prison. I am prepared to die with you, my Lord."

Jesus turned to look at Peter, sadness in his blue-green eyes. He smiled slightly, then turned away, saying, "Amen I say to you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know me."

Peter said, "Even though I shall have to die with you, I will not deny you. You are my Lord and Savior, and I am prepared for the pain that could be bestowed upon me now that I follow you."

By His Wounds: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus ChristWhere stories live. Discover now