Judas Hangs Himself

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Oddly enough, this chapter is one of the chapters that gets the least amount of reads. I find Judas hanging himself weirdly interesting. And of course sad. Though Jesus was going through all the pain, he knew that Judas was running around the desert, trying to figure out what to do. All Judas had to do was say, "I'm sorry!" but he didn't. Please, if you are sorry for a sin, ANY sin, remember that you ARE forgiven ALREADY. You just have to KNOW that. Trust me, I've done some bad stuff, but nothing is as bad as Judas has done. You can be forgiven! You ARE forgiven!


Judas Hangs Himself

Thoughts rushed through Judas' mind as he ran away from Jerusalem towards the valley of Hinnom. The sand slowed him down, but as long as he was leaving that town, it didn't matter. Sweat trickled down his face, and he breathed heavily.

Reaching the torrent of Cedron, he cast his eyes upward, seeing the Mount of Olives. He shuddered, and at that instant these words vibrated in his ear: "Friend, what have you done? You've betrayed the Son of Man with a kiss." Unable to believe the thoughts that kept going in and out of his brain, Judas wandered under the arch of the Cedron, and a voice whispered, "It was here that Absalom put an end to his life by hanging himself. You should do the same. You've been paid for killing the Son of God. Paid! 'He who sells a soul among his brethen shall be put to death'."

Then these words: "Put an end to your misery, wretched one; put an end to your misery."

Judas considered it. He couldn't take the thoughts rushing through his head. Surely they were from God himself, condemning Judas to his life already in Hell. No way could Jesus ever forgive Judas for his horrible crime—he had betrayed the Son of God! No, Judas was sentenced to a life in Hell no matter what, and Judas figured he may as well get it over with.

So, Judas tore off his girdle, and, walking over under the arch, he tied the rope to a tree situated in the crevice of a rock. Standing on a boulder, with the noose wrapped around his neck, Judas stopped. He had the slightest hope that maybe Jesus could forgive him, but when another voice interrupted him with a, "You murdered the Son of God! End your misery, wretched one!" he closed his eyes and jumped, the noose tightening around his neck and cutting off any chance of breathing in oxygen.

Judas had killed himself.

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