Jesus before Annas

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Jesus before Annas

Mary didn't cry when she was told her Precious Son had been arrested. She, Mary of Magdala, and some other women hurried to the main city of Jerusalem. Lanterns and torches were lit throughout the town, and the Pharisees were beginning to knock on people's doors, awaking them and ordering them to the palace of Annas, the high priest.

Annas, Mary saw, was surrounded by twenty-eight Councilors, along with some Roman soldiers, servants of Annas, and some citizens. Mary, also accompanied by John, was ushered through the mob by her friends. She tried to get closer to her Son. She needed to get closer to her Son.

Mary stood on the corner of a pillar, eyeing over the tops of peoples' heads. She glanced around frantically, searching. Then she spotted him. He looked exhausted. His head was hung, and his hair was thin, stringy, and matted. His garment was covered in blood and mud. He did not do anything, nor say anything. Mary stifled a cry. She tugged at her veil, wrapping it tighter over her hair. Mary of Magdala was crying bitterly, just at the sight of her Lord bound by ropes and chains.

Annas, an ill-humored man with a scraggy beard, seated himself proudly, pretending as if he did not know Mary's Son, when indeed he did. He shot questions out at Jesus, such as, "Are you Jesus of Nazareth? Where are your Apostles? Your followers? Where is your kingdom? Why are you silent? Speak! What is your right to preach? Where did you study all of your preaching? Speak up to me now!"

Mary's Son raised his head and said, "I have spoken openly to the world; I have always taught in the synagogue, and in the Temple, and in secret I have spoken nothing. Why ask me? Ask them who have heard what I have spoken to them; behold, they know what things I have said."

Immediately, Mary watched as Annas, flushed with fury, struck Jesus in the face with his iron gauntlet. "How dare you answer the High Priest this way?"

Jesus stumbled to the ground, only to be beaten by the soldiers so much that blood trickled down his face. He said, "If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong; but if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?"

"Bring me a sheet of parchment," Annas ordered, and his request was fulfilled. He then began writing, in a series of words and large letters, every single false accusation which had been brought against Mary's Son. Such as him "claiming" to the Son of God, and him threatening to destroy the Holy Temple. A tear slipped down Mary's face as he read off all the false accusations. Then he handed off the parchment, and told them to take Jesus to the Court of Caiphas, all the while the mob hissed, shouted, and presented blows towards Jesus' body.

By His Wounds: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus ChristHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin