Agony on the Cross

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Hey, guys!  The story is almost finished!  Just a few more chapters...

I just wanted to share a little tid-bit of information with you guys.  In the Bible, it says that after Jesus did the institution of the Eucharist, they sang a hymn and went to the Mount of Olives.  Back then, people would say they screwed up the Passover!  They are supposed to have had 4 different times where they drank wine 4 times.  At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted 2 of the cups before the Eucharist, and the 3rd cup was when the wine was turned into his blood and he said, "Do this in remembrance of me."  Then they would typically sing a hymn, and the 4th chalice would be instituted.  But that never happened!  NEVER this that mentioned in the Bible.  Some would say Jesus messed up the Passover!  But recall in the Agony of the Garden, Jesus says, "If it your will, let this CHALICE pass from me..."  The 4th missing cup! This cup is called the "cup of consummation."  Recall now, that when Jesus was on the cross dying, he said, "I thirst."  Then, wine and vinegar was given to him.  WINE WAS GIVEN TO HIM AS HE WAS DYING.  The 4th cup!  Shortly after that, Jesus said, "It is finished."  Jesus had drunk the cup of consummation, the one he would not drink until his mission was accomplished, and now it was.

I find that SUPER interesting, and just wanted to share that with you guys. 

Agony on the Cross

Caiphas stared up at that blaspheming criminal in disgust. There he was. Almost dead. Finally. Caiphas still couldn't believe it. Was that Jesus really hanging from a tree? He nearly laughed. All those years of preaching and proclaiming and blaspheming, and the Nazarene was finally going to die. Honestly, Caiphas figured something would have happened to prevent this crucifixion from happening. Maybe Pontius Pilate would change his mind, or Herod would insist on letting Jesus go. But none of that had happened.


Caiphas almost wanted to smile, yet he didn't. Instead, he climb off his donkey and landed on the stony ground. He slowly began approaching the cross which Jesus hung from. He didn't dare get any closer than a few feet, less he become unclean by the blood of a criminal.

Scoffing, Caiphas shook his head and shouted loud enough for all to hear, "Aha! You said you would destroy the temple, and in three days"—Caiphas emphasized the word three—"build it back up. Yet you cannot come down from your cross..."

The Romans surrounding Jesus laughed and pointed, and Caiphas couldn't help but feel proud for his handiwork. He continued, "Save yourself! Come down from your cross!"

One of the Pharisees behind Caiphas shouted, "He saved others, yet he cannot save himself!"

Another said, "Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down from the cross now. Then, we can see and believe."

Caiphas grinned, then turned away, staff in hand. He heard someone speaking behind him, and he honestly thought it was Jesus, but when he turned, Jesus was mute, as if he hadn't said anything. To his right, he caught sight of one out of many of the weeping women. Her eyes were puffy from tears, yet she didn't shout or curse at Caiphas, which she was wise to not do. Instead, she simply stared at him.

Caiphas turned away.

It was hardly fair that he cry. Really, it wasn't right for him to do so. Jesus—his best friend and Lord—was going through all of the pain, while John was just watching. Yet he needed to cry. He desperately needed to cry.

A tear slid down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away so Mary the Mother would not see him. It was her Son hanging on the cross, yet she wasn't crying anymore. Mary of Magdala was though. Prostrate on the ground, deeply wailing.

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