Peter Denies Jesus

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I always feel so sad for Peter in this scene. I feel his pain. How do you guys think I portrayed the character of Jesus? Thoughts? Reviews? Let me know!


Peter Denies Jesus

Peter saw Mary and Mary of Magdala, but didn't go near them. He watched Jesus from afar. He waited near the gate of the high priest, until the maid came out and said to him, "You are not one of this man's disciples, are you?"

Without evening thinking, Peter stated, "Lo. I am not." He hurried away from the maid, worried she would go tell the soldiers about him.

There was a charcoal fire, and Peter decided staying by the fire would keep him away from the Romans and out of sight of those who had seen him with Jesus before. Mostly slaves stood near the fire, rubbing their hands together in hope to warm them. There were one or two guards, so Peter stood slightly away from them. He put his hands closer to the fire, then breathed into them. He glanced around wearily, but calmed down when he realized everyone near him was mainly focused on the fire, not on him.

That was, until one man said to him, "Hey, you."

Peter looked up.

"Yeah, you. I've seen you before. You're one of his disciples. You're one of Jesus' disciples."

"No, I am not. I've never seen that man before."

The man eyed him, but let him be.

Peter heard, from behind him, the jeers and chants of the mob as they called out, "Prophecy! Who is it that struck you?" Then the cry of pain as, surely, Jesus was being beaten by all.

Another soldier slowly walked over to Peter, tilting his head, as if he was trying to identify who he was. He said, "Surely you are one of his followers, for even your accent gives you away."

Jesus' moans of pain echoed towards Peter. Peter backed up, frightened, and said, "I swear to you all, I don't know the man! I've never seen him before in my life!"

Immediately, a cock's crow interrupted his cursing. Amen I say to you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know me. The words of his Savior came into his mind at that moment. Peter reflected back, realizing how he had promised to give his life to his Lord, promised to endure any amount of pain and torture right alongside him, and now where was he? Betraying him before all. Betraying him while his Lord was not ten yards away, most likely thinking of Peter this very moment, and how Jesus had been right.

The pain Peter felt at that moment was almost unbearable. This pain had to be far worse than if he would have endure the tortures right alongside Jesus. Peter's heart was crushed, his soul blackened by his sins. A tear tumbled down his cheek, and he covered his head with his hands. Rushing away from the charcoal fire, Peter wept bitterly, begging his God for forgiveness.

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