The Monster Under Ed's Bed

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Later that day, Janet is with Ed while he fixes the sink.
"Why do you do this? Help people like us?" Janet asks Ed.

"When you were little, did you ever worry that there might be something hiding under your bed at night? Yeah? Well... my bed actually had something under it. Yeah. Something grabbed my hand and yanked me right to the floor. It was too dark to see under there, but let me tell you, I ran out of there so fast. You know what my dad did? He dragged me right back into the room and told me I had to face my fears. And I was scared to death. But then I remember what this nun had told me in catechism. 'God will be there for all who need' So, I grabbed this crucifix out from my nightstand, right? And I tell whatever's under there that it better leave, or God was gonna kick its butt. Best thing my dad ever did for me. Of course he only did that because he really didn't believe me. It took me years to finally find someone who did. And you know what I did then?" Ed explains.
"You married her?" Janet says.
"So you've heard this story before?" Ed asks.
Janet and Ed chuckle.

"How you getting on in here?" Peggy asks.
"Hey! We're done here." Ed says.
Ed starts to offer working on different things that are broken.
"No I couldn't ask you to do that. It's a disaster down there." Peggy says.
"Come on. How bad could it be?" Ed asks.

Peggy takes Ed down to the basement to fix the washer.
"Oh. Bloody hell." Ed mutters when he glances at the basement.


Lorraine and Cora are outside talking to Maurice.
"Everything still quiet in there?" Maurice says.
"Yes. Thank goodness. Yes." Lorraine says.
"It would be something though, wouldn't it? If we were able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a life beyond this? It would be historic." Maurice mutters.
"Is that why your doing this? Because you want to be apart of something historic? This isn't a laboratory, this is someone's house. And I think helping that family is the only things that matters." Lorraine says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. My daughter died in a car crash several years ago. Afterwards, I started to experience things. I think she wanted to communicate with me. And yes it would help if I knew she was... I don't know. Somewhere." Maurice admits.

Cora looks at Lorraine.
"I'm gonna go see what dads doing." Cora tells Lorraine.
"Ok sweetheart." Lorraine says.
Cora goes into the house to find Ed.

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