They never cared.. [Quackbur]

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Story: Angst to fluff
Tw: a bit of karlnapity angst

~POV: Alex~
I had a bad day so I want to my fiancés.. I saw them hugging and said. "Hey guys.." Sapnap looked at me. "What do you want now Quackity." I looked down at my feet. "Can I-I get a h-hug?" Sapnap looked at me clearly annoyed by me. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO CLINGY IT MAKES YOU EVEN MORE ANNOYING!" Sapnap yelled at me. "And hugs aren't free. Now go away." I Felt myself tear up.

And then I want home put the two rings down on the table and wrote a note and put the divorce papers next to it. And left the house for good. It was raining I ran until my legs couldn't run anymore I collapse on the floor and fall asleep.

~POV: Wilbur~
I was walking in the rain than I saw someone on the floor I walked up to them and I saw Alex. I picked him up and carried him home. Whan I got home I put him on my bed. I saw that he was shaking a lot so I put a heated blanket on him. "You poor thing.."

~POV: Alex~
I woke up. "Where am I?" I rubbed my eyes and saw someone next to me and then he spoke "Good morning Quackity.." I started shaking uncontrollably "Hey hey whats wrong and why were you sleeping in the rain..?" He hugged me and the I realized it was Wilbur "Please d-don't c-call me Q-Quac-ity.." He then wiped my tears "Ok Alex but why were you in the rain...?" "We.. we broke up..." "If I may ask why?" "They never cared.. and got annoyed if I even said anything.."

300 words

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