The fall [Quackbur and Dreamnap]

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Story: Fluff a bit of angst?
Don't let the name fool you its not about death. This was a request from my friend but sadly they don't have a wattpad.
Cheerleaders: Alex, George, Sapnap, Puffy, Nikki and Minx
Football team: Wilbur, Tommy, Dream, Techno, Jack and Sam

~POV: Alex~
"Hello cheerleaders!" Said Minx "Today we have a new member joining!" We were all excited to see who it was! "Jessica welcome to the team!" When me and Sapnap our expressions dropped from happy to sad. Jessica is trying to get out bf to Break up with us thats why we weren't happy.. "Minx..?" I said "Yes Alex whats up?" "Can me you and Sapnap have a talk.." She smiled and went with us into another room. "Is there something wrong?" She said concerned "You know the new girl.. Well she is trying to get our bf to break up with us and I'm uncomfortable with her around" I said Sapnap didn't say anything he just nodded. "What if we keep her on the team for a week and if she does anything wrong we can kick her?" We nodded and want back to practicing.

After practice I was waiting with Sapnap until we saw a car pull up next to us. Dream and Wilbur got out of the car and hugged us. "Hello love! How are you?" Asked Wilbur I didn't say anything just hugged him. "Um Sapnap did something happen?" He said as he looked at him. "Well that girl Jessica joined the team..." Dream picked up Sapnap and put him in the car. "Hey love I'm not going to leave you for her. I love you more then anything!" He said then put me in the car. And we drove home.

~10 Days later~
~POV: Alex~

We were practicing one of the jumps and I was doing the jump then I realize the most important person in the jump that is going to catch me was Jessica. Well at least she didn't drop me I was happy that she didn't try and hurt me. "Ok cheerleaders come to me!" Minx said we all want to her. "The game in going to start in a couple minutes after the game we are going to do what you all just practice!" We all nodded some of them want home until the game ends but. Me Sapnap and Jessica stayed there. We all want to the football team I mean just me and Sapnap but Jessica followed us. "Wilburrrr!" I yelled as I ran to him and hugged him. Sapnap just walked to Dream and jumps on Dream.

The game ended and our team won! But it was the time for us to "dance" it all went smoothly until the most dangerous part came around. Jessica was supposed to catch me but she didn't. I hit the floor really hard and instantly passed out.

~POV: Wilbur~
I saw that Alex hit the floor and ran to him as fast as I can. I quickly scooped him up and got into the car and drove to the hospital. After 5 hours at the hospital the Doctor come out of his room. "I have good and bad new which one do you want to hear first?" The doctor said "Bad?" "Ok well Alex has to have a cast on for a week and the good news is that he is healing fast and that he can go out of the hospital today." He said "Thank you doctor" The I want to get Alex. "Hey love.." I said "Hi Wilby!" He said and I picked up. "I have some bad news.." He looked at me sad. "You have to have a cast on for a week"

To be continued
I hope you liked it part to will be posted today or tomorrow!
640 words.

Quackbur [shortstories]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя