5,4,3,2,1 [Quackbur]

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Story: fluff
So the name of the chapter is 5,4,3,2,1 its like a method I used to calm down and a lot of people use it to 😃👍🏻 lets start 🤌🏻

~POV: Alex~
Me, Wilbur, Dream, Techno, Phil and Tommy were driving to Paris to vidcon. The fans don't know that me and Wilbur are dating but today we will tell everyone! When we got there we sat down at our panel and just talked for a bit before any of the fans were here.

~POV: third person~
When the fans were all settled down we started. "Hello everyone we are happy to have eveyone of you here!" Said Phil "So if you have a question raise your hand and if someone picks you you can ask us the question!" Phil continued "If any of us don't want to answer a question we will not." After going through all the rules we started. Halfway through a girl Raised her "Yes the girl in the back left with the Dream mask" Said Wilbur "Wilbur are you dating anyone or do I have a chance with you?" "Yes I am dating someone" the whole room was filtered questions like who it is and how long and stuff like that even Techno Dream Phil and Tommy we're asking those questions. "Ok everyone calm down. I'm dating my beloved Quackity."

~POV: Wilbur~
I saw that Alex was starting to Penic so I picked him up. "Hey guys me and Quackity are going to go we have something to do" we all settled goodbyes and we went out of the room. As soon as we left the room Alex started crying. I sat down and put him in my lap facing me "Hey love your ok! Everything is ok!" "Do you want to play a fun game?" I said and he nodded "Tell me 5 things you see around you!" I said "Um.. y-you.., the walls..., t-the f-f-floor.., chairs.. a-and the ceiling.." He said I started rubbing his back. "Ok now 4 things you can touch around you!" I thought for a bit "My face.. your h-hands.. the f-floor and my tears.." I smiled "Good job love now 3 things you can hear!" "Um.. you.. myself and the fans.." "Your doing great, now 2 things you can smell!" "Lavender and food.." "Ok, 1 thing you can taste" "gummy bears.."

~POV: Alex~
We want to our hotel I unlocked our room and fall on the bed Wilbur took off our shoes and want to the kitchen to make some dinner. And I just stayed in the bedroom cuddled up in the warm sheets "Love the food is ready!" I walked to the kitchen and ate my food. When i was done i walked back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

Thats all for today!
I hope y'all liked it
Now at the end of the storys I will ask a question you don't have to answer cuz this is just for fun,
So what are your most used emojis and i'll give you a dream SMP character that I think would have the same emojis mine are:
Also what ships are this:




533 words

Quackbur [shortstories]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя