Chapter 15: What Have I Done?

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I grab the knife and run back to the car.

I open the door and start crying.

"Lily, what happened?" He says as he sees the blood on my hands.

"I killed him." I say, staring at the steering wheel.

"You what?" He asks surprised.

"I killed him, Kian. What do I do?" I say crying.

"Calm down. Don't run because that'll make things worse. Wait for the people to come to you and then explain everything to them." he says soothing.

"You're right." I say looking at him.

He looks back. We lean in and start kissing, but before it gets deep and passionate, I pull back.

"Sorry..." I say feeling ashamed.

"Don't worry about it" he says biting his lower lip.

I drive home and go up to my room, ignoring my mom in the kitchen.

Kian stays downstairs with her and explains everything. I hear her start crying and I start crying myself. Then I hear a deeper voice.

Then I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I face plant into my pillow and stay like that even though it's pretty hard to breathe.

"Ms. Parker? I have a few questions. My name is Detective Gonzalez." He says sitting at the foot of my bed.

I look up unaware of his presence on my bed.

"Go ahead." I say sniffling.

"Did you and Mr. Martinez (Dominic) every have a relationship?" He asks bringing out his notepad and pen.

"Yes, but he was very abusive so I moved here and he followed me. I used to live in San Francisco." I say wiping my tears that are rolling down my cheeks.

"It's okay, you're not under arrest. I just want to know your motive to kill Dominic."

"Earlier today, he-he raped me." I say starting to cry again.

"That's enough evidence. Thank you Ms. Parker" he says before leaving.

As soon as he leaves, Kian and my mom come in.

"What happened, sweetie?" My mom asks.

"They're not going to arrest me because of my motive.Maybe court, but no jail." I say, relieving their anxiousness.

"That's good." my mom says.

Kian looks like he wants to tell me something, but not in front of my mom, so he gives me the look and I ask my mom to leave nicely.

"Were you planning to kill him?" He asks me.

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