Chapter 23: Wait, What?!

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"Wait, you mean to tell me that you wanted to hurt me?" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I didn't mean for it to happen like that." Kian says with a face full of regret.

"But it did, Kian." I say, tears running down my cheeks and voice getting higher.

"Lily, calm down."

"Why? Why should I listen to you?"

"Hear me out!" He says grabbing my arms.


"I did that so you could come back to me. I thought it would make you hate Dominic even more. I wanted to be sure you'd always be mine." he says with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What made you think I'd ever leave you?" I ask in dismay.

"I-I-I felt insecure. I'm sorry." he says with a pleading face.

"Kian, imagine taking a plate," I say in a calm tone,"Now throw it on the floor."

"Okay. It's broken. So wha-"

"Now say sorry to it." I say, commanding.


"Did you put it back together?" I ask.

"No." he says, finally understanding.

"Now do you get the picture?" I ask.

"Yea." he says with his head down.

"Kian, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore." I say, heartbroken.

"Lily wa-"

"Sometimes, the people you would take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger." I say before standing up.

"Bye." I say, returning to my original seat.

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