Chapter 4

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Once the plane had landed at the airport in Cario,and once everyone was off it and heading to get their belongings, that was when Yugi heard his phone go off..he let out a groan of annoyance and looked to see who it was once he had his bag in hand, he sighed "Of course it's Joey..." he muttered to himself, oddly he didn't answer until he was out of the airport...
"Ehy,Yuge..I called yah like a minute ago,why didn't you-"
"Sorry Joey I was busy"
"Busy? With what?"
"Uh...hay,listen Joey..I'm gonna be gone a while"
"Why? Somethin' botherin' yeh?"
"No...It's just I'm helping someone right now and-"
"What am I hearin' that a crowd?"
"What?..uh no!"
"Yuge...where are you right now?"
It was that very question that made Yugi nervous...what should he do?...he couldn't tell Joey that he was in Egypt..nor could he tell him why he was in Egypt to start with...he let out a sigh and gave an answer...
"Uh...I'm at a concert...yea,I only had one ticket"
"Huh...well ok, and by 'help someone' you mean what?"
"This someone wanted me to uh..see what songs the band was going be playing so..I came in their place to check out the songs"
"Ah..that make sense..well,I guess I'll see yah later"
"But hay..if anyone tries anything, you call me and I'll show'em a new way to use their duel disk"
"Right..thanks Joey" Yugi said as he hung up..Atem was heard laughing from inside the bag, causing Yugi to quietly yell at him...after a while of walking, Yugi came to a small town, one that looked oddly familiar to him somehow, he shook the feeling off and looked around only to spot Ishizu waiting for him by an old fruit wagon, he went over and smiled "Hay, thanks for doing this..I couldn't have ask for anyone better" he said as a sort of greating, Ishizu only nodded and smiled "Come, we have much to do my young duelist" she said, now leading Yugi to an old egyptian temple....

Once inside the temple, Yugi looked around at all the marks and writings that where left in the walls... after a few more seconds of walking, Ishizu pushed open a large door and entered the room behind it, Yugi only followed her in..the door shut behind them with a loud thud almost making Yugi jump a little..."This is where we do all the magic and spells" Ishizu informed, causing Yugi to nod "Now then...let me grab the book and we can get started" and with that Yugi started to look through his bag, he then pulled the mirror out and held it close to him..once Ishizu had the book, she went over to some kind of circle made of chalk and sat down next to it, she then motioned Yugi over, causing him to go and sit next to her...Ishizu set the book down and opened it to the page she needed, she then smiled and looked at Yugi "Place the mirror in the middle of the circle" ....Yugi set the mirror down in the middle of the circle as told...."Good now then..let's see if this works" Ishizu said as she started to close her eyes......
"!Rorrim eht ni eno eht eerf" she chanted at first ina loud tone, Yugi sat there quietly and watched...
"!Eerf eb yht tel" she then started to chant, only for a golden glow to circle around Yugi...
"!Eerf eb luos lanete yht tel" was the last thing she would chant...the light then suddenly faded...she opened her eyes only see that Yugi was nowhere in sight..she looked around when she suddenly realized...Yugi had been sucked right into the mirror..."Oh no...did I say it wrong?" she had wondered, she looked for a counter spell but couldn't find one...she then panicked and started to look in all her books for a counter to the spell she had just casted

"Yugi...!?.." a voice answer..
"Yugi are you alright, please answer me!" The voice said in a calmer tone...Yugi finally awoke to Atem, who was knelt besides him..he shook his head and looked around "Ugh...what happened...where am I? He asked as he sat up, Atem sighed to himself as he was happy to see his friend was still alive "You are in the mirror world, Nexus.." ..Yugi took a second to sort his brain out but then he suddenly had a mini panic attack "Oh sweet! I can't be here! How do I get out!?" he said in a hurry, causing Atem to shake his head "You can' know that not even I can get out without a spell" he said as Yugi looked at him..."You will be just fine, I am here so no one shall harm you" Atem said with a reassuring smile, Yugi sighed and got his phone out "I..should call and tell my grandpa what happened at least..." that's when he noticed that he had no service in Nexus,causing him to become even more panicked only to pulled into a soft hug by Atem " need to worry..I will protect you no matter what..even if you are here for all eternity...I shall protect you" he said in a soft tone.."Right..since it looks like I'm gonna be stuck here might as well show me around, that is until Ishizu finds away to me..and you for that matter..out of here" Yugi said as he pushed himself away from Atem...

Later that night, Yugi was shown to one of the side rooms of the palace, he looked around and sighed and just made himself at home in the room...the room was about the size of a small football field, it had one window near the bed and one desk for anyone that likes to write or that had things to do..the bed was a soft, plush looking had a purple sheet on it with pillow cases to match,the blanket was gold with purple Yugi sat down on the bed he opened his bag, which he was still holding on to when Ishizu did her spell, and looked for the PJ's he had brought with him, he then got up and started to change...thats when the door opened slightly.."Yugi..I'm sorry for intruding so late..but I need a word with you before bed" Atem said through the crack in the door..Yugi sighed and finished changing, he went and opened the door the rest of the way "What is it?"...
"I know you're tired,but I would for you to tell me all your needs if you do ever need anything, alright?"
Yugi nodded, however he knew that something fishy was going on due to the tone of Atems voice "Right..."
"My room is only three doors away from yours,so please..come see me if anything-"
"Goodnight,Atem..." Yugi said in annoyance as he went to shut the door, Atem stopped it from closing "Please..I can't promise you a way out of here..but I can promise your safty..."
Yugi sighed once again but he smiled "I'll be fine,'s late..we should be going to bed" he said softly, Atem smiled back and nodded "Right..well then, good night" and with that the two went off to bed

What was that with Atem? Is he starting to show how he feels for Yugi or does he want something other then to be out of the mirror?...and what's going on with the spell Ishizu did?...will they get out or be forever stuck in Nexus?..only time will tell on what happens

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