CHAPTER 5: Pick-Up Lines

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"OI SOY SAUCE FACE WHY'S HE HERE!" Bakugou yelled the second our eyes met.

"If it makes it any better, I didn't want a roommate either." I responded.

"Why don't we stop fighting and start eating these leftovers from yesterday." Sero says, eyeing the leftover katsudon on the counter.

"Oi Icyhot. You get the first plate, it is your first time here anyways." Bakugou says, already getting plates and chopsticks out from the cupboard.

"I told you he's nicer when everyone else isn't around." Sero says. "I HEARD THAT SOY SAUCE!" Bakugou yelled.

"These dorms are soundproof right?" I ask Sero, ignoring Bakugou's outburst. "Yea. Everyone thought Bakugou would be loud so they ended up soundproofing the dorms." He says.

"Then we can be as loud as we want~!" I say winking at them watching both the teens' faces turn red. They stare at me for a minute before I burst out laughing.

"BHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACES!" I say, while laughing at their reaction. "Oi sh-shut up dickhead." Bakugou says returning to setting up the table and plates.

"That was so funny. Don't worry I'm ace so please don't take up that offer." I say.

"D-don't worry about it. I'm pansexual by the way." Sero says, his blush dying down. "I'm as straight as a fucking circle, plus I'm dating someone already." Bakugou says. "Now come sit down to eat you dumbasses."

I walk over to the table and grab my plate of katsudon and sit at the side of the table.

"Who made this katsudon?" I ask after taking the first bite. "I did, why?" Bakugou says.

I grab him and look him dead in the eye. "How the actual fuck did you make it taste that good? I struggle with making fucking toast. Can you make cold soba? Pleaseeeee? Please please please?" I whine. "Oi let go! And fine, I haven't made cold soba in a while anyways." He says, while I let go of him.

"YAYYYYYY!" I say happily. "Do you really like soba that much?" Sero asks, a piece of pork cutlet falling from the chopsticks. "Soy sauce how do you not know how to fucking use chopsticks." Bakugou scolds while watching Sero pick up the piece of food and eat it.

"Yes. But only cold soba. If you heat it up you're a disgrace to society." I say. "I haven't had cold soba, I've had regular room temperature soba though." Sero responds.

"Cold soba's my favorite food and my mom made it once when I was younger and I just love it because it reminds me of her." I say.

"I like spicy curry. Spicy anything really. I grew up with it and took a liking to curry. My mom and I love spice so we had a lot." Bakugou says.

"I like oranges and salty things. Those two don't clash at all but y'know it's my favorite. My mom made a lot of orange flavored stuff so it reminds me of those days." Sero adds.

"Y'know what, I could get used to living here." I say. "Good. We can add your name to who's cleaning the dishes chart. It's only you and Soy sauce, I'm doing all the cooking." Bakugou says while grabbing his plates and putting them in the sink, pouring water over it.

"Such a good idea." I mutter. "Give me the dishes, I'll take care of them." Sero says. "I-I could wash my own-" "Just let me wash them before I get Bakugou mad at me for bad manners. Believe me, I don't want to be served as tomorrow's dinner." Sero whispers, both of us noticing Bakugou's glare at Sero. "Ok then... here you go." I say handing him my plates.

Sero decides to head into the shared bedroom while me and Bakugou decide to stay in the living room to watch TV.

"So can I please tell you a pick-up line..." I whine.

"Fine. One. Only one pickup line." He says with an annoyed expression. Probably because I was bugging him about it since he told me it was the hippie surfer dude he was dating.

A mischievous grin comes onto my face when thinking about the absolute perfect pickup line.

"Have I told you how good you look today? No, because beauty is on the inside, and I haven't been inside yet." I say confidently.

"Why. The. Actual. Fuck. You know what, just go to the room with Soy sauce, I'm so done with you today."

"You know you love me~"

"No I don't, I have a boyfriend that I love."

"Oh... So I'm your side hoe? I see how it is."



Sorry it isn't that long I just wanted a chapter of some of my best bois :)

bai loveliessss <333333

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