CHAPTER 9: The Six Stages of Grief

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Tokoyami kept using dark shadow to his advantage in the dark forest since we weren't in the light's view just yet.

"Bakugou stay close by, we can't let them see you." Shouji says, holding onto the map trying to lead us to the camp.

"Tch, whatever you bastards." He replies, trailing close behind me. "Shouji, go check up on Tokoyami and if you can, help him. Bakugou, stay with me. Try staying as close as possible to me, if we get separated try finding me, or someone else from the class" I say directing them.

"Tch, I'm not weak, I can handle myself." Shouji ignores Bakugou's comment, nods, and leaves to find Tokoyami.

"Bakugou, I'm not giving you a choice. Stay with me or I'll force you too. I'd really not want you to be taken, it's only my second day at hero school, so don't get kidnapped." I say, dragging him by his wrist behind bushes.

I let go of his wrist and peek my head out the bush. I look around and see smoke surrounding the area quickly.

"Bakugou we have to leave! C'mon, follow me. If I'm able to, I'll make an ice staircase, you just stay close behind." I whisper yell, while hearing the sound of footsteps crunching leaves coming closer.

The wave of blue fire is the first thing we both see once we step out of our hiding area. "DUCK!" Bakugou yells, and we both drop down.

The heat of the flames was hot, way hotter than my flames. "Those flames could burn our skin off immediately." I say. "Yea, and it's gonna make my quirk act up." Bakugou says.

"How?" I ask as if I didn't know. "Nitroglycerin swea- DUCK!" He yells midway telling the reason and we both drop down again. I look back at him and see the small sparks starting to go off.

"TOKOYAMI!" Me and Bakugou hear from afar. We both ran as fast as our tired legs could carry us and we saw Shouji, shocked. "Shouji?! What happened?!" We ask frantically.

"The compress guy trapped him. We have to help him, Bakugou, Shoto, please." Shouji begs. "Tokoyami won't be taken from us, if he is, they're taking one of us with them." Bakugou says. I nod, agreeing with Bakugou.

Soon we're all faced with a villain, and separated. I easily take down Twice, and look back to locate Bakugou.

"BAKUGOU!" I yell out, panicked now that he's out of my vision.

"DIEEEEEEE! AGH-!" I hear a yell from behind me.

"BAKUGOU!" I yell once I turn around and see a blue marble start to fall from above.

I run toward the shiny object, arm outstretched ready to grab the marble.

My eyes widen as a shadow enters my line of vision. A scarred hand grabbed the marble seconds before I could reach it, and dropped another one in return.

Tokoyami appears from behind me and we both watch as Dabi disappears with the marble leaving us destroyed.


I picked up the marble left on the floor praying it was Bakugou.

"He didn't get captured." I say in a shaky voice to myself.


"He was never captured, we were never attacked." I say.

Shouji slowly walks over from the other side with a grim expression. "Shouto, he... he's gone."

"No." I say. This is just one of my many dreams. I've never failed a mission before. I'm a great hero.

"Shouto..." "No. Nothing bad happened." I say with a stoic face.

"SH-SHOUTO! WE CAME AS FAST AS WE COULD, WHERE- Where's Bakugou!" Aizawa says facing me.

"Wh-Where's Bakugou..."

I look up at him and the class. "He's at the cabins, remember! He's fine." My voice cracks as I speak.

"Shouto- He's go-"

"I know you're lying to me, stop lying. Bakugou's okay, I never failed at protecting him." I say. I slowly walk towards the cabins.


2. Anger


Disappointed stares.

I'm sure a civilian would've been fast enough.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK YOU ALL! I KNOW I'M RIGHT! BAKUGOU'S NOT KIDNAPPED, IT WASN' wasn't my fault!" I say, tears up to the brim, threatening to fall.

Everyone's looking at me, shocked by the sudden outburst. And I did the only thing that felt right.

I ran.

I ran away from everyone and everything.

I ran from the fear that I actually let him get kidnapped. I did it.

I did.

3. Bargaining

What if I was fast enough?

What if I actually had a good plan?

What if I kept an eye out for him?

What if it was me instead?

If only it was me.

If only all the disappointment in their eyes wouldn't make me feel worse.

If only I was stronger.

If only I was powerful.

If only I was faster.

If only I was smarter.

If only I was better.

The "What if's" and "If only" thoughts kept coming, drowning me in a pit of despair.

If only...

What if...

4. Depression


So goddamn weak and slow...

The tears fell.

I knew they would fall. I just hated it.

I was weak.

I had never failed any type of mission before. I was perfect. I was Shouto.

"Fuck this, fuck life, fuck everything. I couldn't save him. I was RIGHT FUCKING THERE!"

It's not okay. If I had never accepted this damn mission I wouldn't be here, crying over a damn kid.

If I wasn't here maybe this wouldn't have happened.

It's all my fault.

5. Acceptance

But maybe,

Just maybe,

It could've been worse.

Maybe it was my place to do this.

Maybe this was a learning point. To get me to understand.

The jumble of different emotions was overwhelming, and I wanted it to stop. But there was one thing that shined the brightest of those thoughts.

#6 Revenge.


Hello my loves, 

Finally, another 1000 word chapter instead of like 800-

I suck ass at writing angst so take this.

I'm gonna regret publishing this watch-

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