B8: Ghostfreaked Out

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Batcrazy smashed Alke into the wall, followed by Kevin releasing a bolt towards the Tetramand. She growled as the bolt struck her before forcing the Stonebreak Batcracker back. The massive, stone covered bat-like surged back before placing his wing claws on the ground and screeching at her. Alke stared down Batcrazy and Kevin before Batcrazy bolted, getting into the air and flying in an arch around her. She focused on Kevin when she noticed electricity pouring out of his palms.

Alke moved her hands behind herself as Batcrazy flew and Kevin released a wave of electricity. She clapped all four hands together, a burst of sonic waves forcing the electricity to scatter. Batcrazy landed and stood on his hind legs, forcing his ears down as the sonic burst crashed into him. He felt Kevin grip onto his body as the burst rang around him.

Beeping from both devices, causing all three to relax. Kevin dropped off Batcrazy before a flash consumed the bat-like and Alke, transforming them back to normal. EightEight came into the room.

"Good work," EightEight gurgled and signed. Ben and Gwen nodded in reply, Kevin staring blankly.

The door opened, causing them to look over. Allie looked at them before saying, "I hope I'm not disturbing anything, but Thornapple is calling a meeting."

EightEight tilted her head before starting towards the door. Allie slipped away as the Wyrmlings followed, glancing at each other.

They came to an area where many, many other creatures gathered with Thornapple perched on a lamppost and held up by his back vines. General chatter seemed to fall when Thornapple lifted himself higher.

"I'm sure all of you are wondering why I have called this meeting," Thornapple started, getting an odd chatter of agreements. The Spring Florauna continued, "Earlier, Dragua warned me of a group of anti-alien humans called the Forever Knights marching towards Sparksville." A silence consumed the area. "Dragua assumed that thanks to those Galactic Enforcers stopping near the town with their extremely obvious ship, the Forever Knights would come here to take us out. We need to do something to make sure this doesn't get the attention of the legal government, but also make sure these Forever Knights don't come back.

"If you do not wish to involve yourself in pushing back the Forever Knights, I don't blame you. Those who wish to help stay here. If you do not, I simply request that you do not go to the surface until the Forever Knights have been taken care off. There will be five minutes to decide," Thornapple continued. He then lowered himself, parts of the group starting to leave.

EightEight looked at the Wyrmlings before signing and gurgling, "Thoughts?"

"On... the situation?" Gwen questioned. The Sotoraggian nodded.

"Can we help?" Ben asked.

"I'm not stopping you," EightEight replied, making sure to sign the same thing.

Ben looked at Gwen and Kevin before asking, "What about you two?"

"I'm helping," Gwen nodded. The watch wielders stared at Kevin.

The maybe-human looked at the two before commenting, "You two are kinda freaky when you both decide to stare at someone." They continued to stare with EightEight tilting her head at the action. "I'll help."

"Guess we're staying here, then," EightEight muttered, looking back at Thornapple.


Enoch stopped his horse and looked at his troops. Well, troops was a very loose term, there were only twelve of them. Himself, his second in command Driscoll, his intelligence gatherer Dagonet, that robot Patrick convinced him to take, and eight other random knights. Dagonet looked towards the village Patrick requested them to look into, humming and tapping a pencil on his chin.

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