'I'm not doing so good...'

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⬆️This was inspired by the audio above⬆️
Dick- 16(In the end of year 11)
(Characters might be a bit ooc)
Tim's POV
It was the end of school and Alfred came to pick us all up,I sat in the car with Damian and Jason while we waited for Dick.It was normal for him to be late due to his teachers not liking him or his class.As we sat there Alfred starting driving away.
"Alfred? Where are we going?Dick isn't here yet."Jason asked looking out the window in search of him.
"I've just remembered Master Richard has started an acrobatics club that the school has recently opened,he told me this morning,Master Jason."Alfred replied and Jason let out a low grumble about how Dicks obsession with acrobatics was getting out of hand.
I looked back at the school and saw a hand appear out of nowhere and disappear but shrugged it off as some year 7's messing about.Being a member of the Batfam comes with its perks and they usually help in a lot of situations,while Alfred drove I couldn't help the pit forming in my stomach as I overthought about the hand.What if someone was in trouble?
We pulled into Wayne Manors driveway and we all clambered out,hoping to get away from one another,and walked up to the front door.Alfred unlocked it and once inside we all went our separate directions,Jason went into the kitchen(for food I assume),Damian went in the direction of the gym and I headed to my room to complete my homework.

One and a half hours later
No ones POV
Dicks club finished roughly 15 minutes ago and it only takes about 25 minutes to get back to Wayne Manor by foot and after clubs that's what you did:walk home.This meant that Dick was due home in 10 minutes.

10 minutes went by,Dick wasn't home.

This didn't worry them because there is usually alot of traffic as people finished work around this time.

An hour later,Dick still wasn't home.

This set them on edge a little but that was it.

3 hours later.He wasn't home.It was 8:45pm.

Bruce texted Commissioner Gordon and asked if Dick had gone round his and forgot to tell Bruce but Gordon said that Barbara was ill and he hadn't seen Dick since last dinner.Bruce said his thanks and hung up with a frustrated sigh and rubbed his face in annoyance. Jason sensing,that it wouldn't be taken to lightly,if he threw the permanent bright pink paint onto Bruce,silently crept away.

Meanwhile Tim had decided to go into Dicks room to see if he had snuck in without telling anyone.He opened the door to see it empty,the window locked and bits of paper stacked up high in a corner of his room but what caught Tim's eye was that Dick's phone was sat on his bed.He walked over and picked up the phone to see it had loads of messages but he couldn't view them because Dick had facial recognition on.That wouldn't stop the mighty Tim,he hurried down the stairs and through the Batcave's secret entrance.He connected his eldest brothers phone to the bat-computer,plopped into the chair and hacked into Dicks phone.The phone,being an iPhone,was easy to hack and was done within 40 seconds.Damian walked out of the training room and saw the big screen showing a phone screen,curious,he walked over and saw Tim on the chair.
'Of course' He thought and stood a bit away from the chair but kept silent as Tim did his work,he proceeded to open Dicks messages.Damian realising it was Dicks phone,went to snatch it away but before he could,he saw all the messages from an unknown number on the screen.
He stopped and looked on while Tim pulled them up,they weren't too concerning to start with but it seemed the person knew his everyday life except being a hero at night.As they progressed down the messages there were a few about Dicks new family and how they were manipulating him into staying with them and not the unknown person.These were the ones he replied to and when they got to the newer texts,they all seemed to be violent and threatening.

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