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"y/n, are you feeling alright? you're looking paler than usual." hanma asks as all of you are sitting down at the table eating breakfast. everyone stops eating to look at you, finally noticing your lack of eating and how the color slowly drains from your face as the seconds pass.

"no no, i'm fine! continue eating!" you say cheerfully while giving them a joyful smile. feeling slightly relieved, they turn their eyes away from you and continue eating. except one.

leaning down to whisper in your ear from where he sits right beside you, "i need to talk to you after this." kakucho says, before resuming his conversation with izana.

once you get tired of sitting there, without touching your food, you grab your plate and walk out of the dining room and to the kitchen, someone following close behind you. you know who it is. you place your plate on the counter while he rinses his off and places it in the sink. grabbing your hand, he pulls you somewhere the two of you can talk in private.

"what's up with you? first that thing last night, and now this- oh my god, did you even sleep? you didn't, did you?!" kakucho questions you, his normal collected expression turning into one of panic.

"kaku, i'm fine... i just need to adjust a little." you admit; it's partially true.

"then what was that bottle of pills in your bathroom for?" he adds. your body tenses when he says, you'd been hoping he hadn't seen them.

"pills?!" great. another one. looking down the hallway, you see kazutora with an expression matching kakucho, walking towards the two of you at a quick pace.

"what the hell is he talking about?!" kazutora questions you, looking between you and kakucho frantically, awaiting the answer to his question, "answer me!"

"i've started hallucinating. but it's nothing, that's just what the meds are for." you state simply, hoping your bluntness will shock them enough for you to escape. it doesn't.

"don't walk away! y/n, are you okay?!" kazutora grabs your hand and pulls you back to him, but you feel a cold shiver go through your spine as you look past him, your entire body goes cold. it hasn't even been an hour. kisaki smiles sinisterly and gives a wave.

"what are you looking at-"

"nothing! please don't tell anyone about this!" you beg, desperately. looking at each other, kazutora and kakucho slowly nod, "thank you! i'll talk to you later, need sleep!" you sprint away from them before they can stop you and only stop when you are in the safety of your room.

grabbing your phone, you walk into your bathroom and look at the pill bottle. dialing your doctor's number, you start to take a pill every now and then, hoping he will stop staring at you.

"hello y/n, what seems to be the problem?"

"hey doc. um, i need stronger medicine." you get straight to the point, and she is immediately typing away on her computer.

"right on it. i'll be over to your address soon, hold on y/n."

"hurry. i don't know how much longer i can stand being here with him." you nearly yell, but keep your voice quiet so you do not alarm the boys.

"alright- just remember what the note said, don't-" your phone is falling to the ground before you can hear the rest of her sentence, shattering on impact. fucking weak. your trembling hand was unable to grip it any longer, your breathing is slow. you can barely inhale enough air.

you can see black spots coming from the edges of your vision, and a cold sweat is covering your body.

"ah, stupid sister, you took to much medicine." despite being on the edge of consciousness, he's still there. but his words make you realize that the pill bottle is a little too light. a little too empty, "oh no! where are all your pills.... gone! you took them all! i hope you die and come to hell with me! no one will miss you anyway."

maybe no one will miss you. yeah, just maybe.

you finally let your body fall to the ground, vision fully going black as you can feel your breathing coming to a near stop. maybe it'll stop soon.

"Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR!" someone bangs on your bathroom door, which is locked. you can tell someone kicks the door down as soon as you fully lose consciousness, you don't remember anything after that.


a/n: don't expect a happy ending

but you should expect more updates tonight, i am determined to complete this book tonight. love y'all <3

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