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Abbigail opens her eyes and sits up. Suddenly the wall rolls down and she's in an Ender castle, with Endermen around.

She turns around and sees the Ender crown resting on a pedestal.

She starts walking towards it when she hears a crunch, and looks down to see skulls all around here feet. Suddenly Skeletons start killing the Endermen.

A bright light appears behind her and she turns around and sees the Nether, with a Netharan (Pythus) wielding the Nether blade. He walks towards her and scrapes the blade against the ground sending sparks flying.

She backs up and begins falling into the void, when she begins to hear barking and is awaken from her dream.

Abbigail gets up in bed as she hears Sam barking outside. She grabs the stone sword off the table and steps onto her front porch. Mr. Finch can be heard arguing next door.

Mr.Finch : Now listen here, you thieves! I'm going to report you straight to the Etherea Guard and they're going to hunt you down and- *grunt in pain as you are punched*

Jalkar starts talking over Mr. Finch, has to talk loudly to be heard.

Jalkar : Oh shut it you old goat!

Jalkar punches Mr. Finch in the gut, knocking him down. He carries the Enderdragon egg down the front steps.

Sam continues barking over this entire scene. Abbigail walks closer now.

Jalkar : Go back inside, girl. There's no need to hurt yourself with that knife.

Abbigail stands sword drawn and faces Jalkar. Sam is near her side.

Abbigail : *firm* Put the stone down and leave.

Jalkar stops and turns around, surprised at the confrontation. He turns and gives the egg to Grim.

Jalkar : Try not to lose it again.

Grim : *disapproving growl*

Jalkar turns back towards Abbigail.

Jalkar : I'm going to give you one last chance girl.

Abbigail holds the sword in two hands, ready. Jalkar begins moving forward, twirling his knife around in his hand expertly and keeping Abbigail distracted.

Abbigail attacks first and Jalkar effortlessly moves to block. She begins circling around him and shakes her head to get her hair out of her eyes.

Grim continues watching, Sam is close.

Jalkar strikes again and Abbigail blocks, but then quickly strikes back forcing Jalkar back.

Jalkar : Not bad kid, but I don't have time for this.

Jalkar attacks again, and as Abbigail blocks he punches her with his open hand.

Abbigail passed out and was unconscious.


Fades out of the bushes and Lucan is camped out at night. He has some rotten flesh roasting over a fire to attract the undead. He also is holding some steak on the end of his sword over the fire as he attempts to cook it. His head rests on his hand as he appears extremely bored.

Lucan squints as he hears something. He turns and is thrown down as the figure attacks him.

Lucan falls to the floor and a sword is aimed at his throat. A female voice questions him assertively.

Niika : You've gotta be the worst Necromancer I've ever seen.

Lucan groans a bit as he shifts beneath the necromancer's confinement.

SONGS OF WAR (SEASON 1) Where stories live. Discover now