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Lucan, Xaria, and Necromancers are sneaking through the woods.

They come to a slight clearing and Lucan looks around trying to take in his bearings.

Xaria : Time to put an end to this nuisance. Burn it.

Xaria looks towards Lucan, so Lucan looks around in his Necromancer robes and pulls out a flint and steel. He walks over to the tree, then looks up realizing it's Niika's tree fort.

He turns around suddenly wondering what to do as the Necromancers stand guard. He holds it and prepares to strike the tree, then feigns a miss.

Lucan : *putting on a fake generic Necromancer voice* Oh... would you look at that. My flint and steel appears to be broken.

Xaria : Here, take mine.

Xaria tosses Lucan a second flint and steel. Lucan grumbles, now that his attempt failed. Xaria starts watching Lucan more suspiciously now.

Lucan : *grumbles*

Xaria : What is your problem rookie?! Or should I say- traitor!

Xaria pulls Lucan's hood back and takes off his skeleton mask, revealing Lucan.

Xaria : I knew it!

Xaria, the Necromacners, and Lucan all draw swords. Lucan is surrounded as the tree continues to burn.

Xaria : I knew there was something wrong about you the moment I found you. I should have let the undead kill you right then. But... perhaps this death will be more ceremonious. You will watch helplessly as everything you fought for is destroyed and burned. And after we finish, we will find the Felina... and we will kill her.

Lucan attacks uncontrollably, but is quickly thrown down and overwhelmed by Xaria's sword fighting. Lucan is injured and slowly looks up as the tree continues to burn and Xaria draws near.

Xaria : Perhaps we'll feed her to the spiders- they have quite the appetite.

Suddenly an arrow hits and kills a Necromancer and then Niika drops down out of a nearby tree and kills two Necromancers. Lucan kick's Xaria's feet as he is distracted and rolls away and gets up.

Niika fights for a little bit and kills the other random Necromancer. Xaria flees into the woods.

She turns around and almost attacks Lucan.

Lucan : Wait Niika it's me!

Niika stops.

Niika : Lucan?!

They both look up at the fire going up the tree fort.

Niika : All of my information is up there!

She begins climbing the tree, but Lucan grabs her and pulls her down.

Niika : *annoyed* Hey!

Lucan : There's no time, we have to get across the river!

Niika looks up one last time as her tree fort is now on fire. She turns away and they run to the shoreline. The fire is now roaring and they have to yell somewhat to be heard.

Niika : Lucan wait, I can't-

Lucan : You're not afraid of heights but you're scared of jumping in the water?!

Niika : I can't swim! Felinas hate water, Lucan, we hate-

Lucan shoves Niika into the river.

Niika : *a short scream as you're pushed into the water*

Lucan dives in as well, and Niika climbs on top of Lucan who's struggling to stay above the water.

Lucan : Ow, watch the claws!

SONGS OF WAR (SEASON 1) Where stories live. Discover now