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Senn and Igneous are traveling along the countryside. Senn sits on Timber and Igneous walks beside, chatting away.
Igneous : It's really convenient that we don't need to eat or sleep, but our life goes by so quickly! I'm 14... so even though I'm still a child by most standards I'm already about half way through my life! I'd love to experience everything I can, but being a Magnorite born outside of K'arthen is tough. That reminds me... where are you from Senn?

There's a pause while Igneous waits patiently, with a big smile on his face. Senn wasn't listening really, and notices Igneous asked him something

Senn : What's that?

Igneous : Where are you from? Why aren't you with the rest of your family?

Senn feels a sting of pain.

Senn : My family is no longer around Igneous.

Igneous : Oh... I'm sorry...

It gets a bit quiet all of a sudden.

Igneous : There's nothing you can do to alter the past, so it's best not to dwell on it. What's important is moving forward and making the most of your current situation.

Senn looks over and smiles a bit.

Igneous : But I don't need to tell you! Here we are journeying to-

Suddenly a figure jumps out of the nearby bushes and knocks Senn off Timber.

Senn : *grunt as you're knocked off your horse*

Timber runs a head a little bit at the surprise. The figure is revealed to be Jalkar as he pulls out his large knife.

Jalkar : Give me the horse, now!

Jalkar runs over and tries to control Timber.

Igneous : Excuse me sir, but this horse belongs to my friend Senn over here.

Jalkar whirls around and stabs Igneous in the chest. The knife just stops and clangs against Igneous' rocky body.

Igneous looks up angrily, and lays a solid punch across Jalkar's face sending him flying through the air as well as the dragon egg.

Jalkar lands in the distance, his ear is ringing as he stumbles towards the egg, grabs it, and runs off.

Igneous : *shouting* W-wait! I didn't mean to hurt you! *to himself* I really don't know what came over me-

Jalkar is gone at this point. Igneous turns back towards Senn.

Igneous : I hope I didn't hurt him too much.

Senn is just starring with his eyes wide.

Igneous : Oh look! We've arrived at Biggerton! Come on Senn!

Senn smiles and gives a short laugh, and walks Timber towards the stables.

Senn : *single quiet laugh*

They enter the town and the camera raises up revealing the dense city of Biggerton.


Return to Felora, the capital of Felden. Lucan provides information about the necrobase.

Felden Official 1 : You are absolutely sure of this, Lucan?

Lucan : Yes. The Necromancers are living beneath Mount Tempus. They appear to be preparing for a large-scale invasion.

Felden Official 2 : If the Necromancers are raising an army, we must strike them now.

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