42- Spanish Teacher

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A painful loud irritating ringing sound could be heard in my bussed head as my mind was starting to band quietly in agony. It felt like a large storm was cooking itself inside my head and was trying to break me part in school but I was stronger then that- or so I thought. I wasn't that weak and could handle worse damage then this

My fingers that here placed flat down on my lap where now slipping themselves into my silky black hair and gripping onto my skull in an even more painful grip

I slightly lowered my head down into my badly bruised hands when I felt like it was going to explode from my thoughts and the stress that I have been carrying on my shoulders since I lost everything in my life

I should have taken my meds before I lazily left the house without garbing anything other then my keys in a hurry, my school bag and then my files. Files which had been untouched since I had came here

My eyes lifted of my work desk and looked over beside me where an empty desk was placed, Kwan. The chair beside me was empty and there was no freedom for me everything I looked off my desk and the other few empty chairs that surrounded my line of sight

Come back, please I need you...

My ears slightly picked up on the sounds of the harsh wind and the pouring rain that was lashing outside in the nearly kept garden of the school. The rain seemed to be getting more aggressively and restless outside just like me and my thoughts

The trees branch's swagged heavily and quickly with the wind that passed around the heavy air. The little flowers that had yet to blossom down on the school ground seemed to be getting abominably destroyed by the devastating weather outside

The small heavy droplets of ran landed violently against the cold panel of the school window, that I was sitting closed against- the little droplets of the rain where racing each other quickly down the window before disappearing from my sight


Through all the rain and fucked up weather my mind was all to clogged up with my devastating thoughts for me to fully but my focus on something for me to pull myself out of my raging thoughts

My walls were kept high up but that didn't mean that my mind didn't stop itself from banging in pain, going unnoticed may students inside the classroom that I was in. My grip in my hair tightened and I found it impossible for me to try and distract myself from myself


This wasn't a great idea coming to school with my walls held high up and my face blank of emotions but if I didn't then I wouldn't participate in any of my exams. My eyes went unfocused for a second when I felt my heart clench tightly in my chest

It almost like someone had unknowingly entered their big hands in my chest and managed to make their way to my heart, sneakily. They where tugging hardly at the strings of my heart while digging their nails in my insides in the process of pulling it out of me


My bottom lip trembled and I was quick to shove it inside my mouth before pressing my pearly white teeth against the cold flesh of my ugly pale skin. I could already feel my teeth bitting down on my bottom hardly to jerk myself back to reality

A few second passed by before I felt like my teeth had been pushed deep into the skin of my lips because I could feel the warm liquid of blood slowly pile down from the corner of my lips, and down my chin

"Y/N?!" My fingers where quick to untangle their holds on the roots of my hair and and fall flat down on the wooden desk in a hurry, alerted way. My head and eyes snapped towards the loud saucer of sound with blazing lightning

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