Chapter 2

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"Arrival to the new world"

War felt an excessive amount of pain running all over his right arm like it just got stab more than ten times he moan trying to say something but even opening his eyes was impossible for his situation though he can still sense his surrounding.

'What did happened why i am lying in a grass land?'

Suddenly he heard a footsteps coming to his direction,the other person didn't say anything instead War felt the person holding his wrist.

"Young Master,what did happen to that other Young Master he looks like he's already dead?"Another voice said the voice sound feminine and sweet like it came from a woman in middle twenty.

The person who was holding his wrist let it go,and start lifting his arms like checking him for some wounds.

'Did i had a car accident?What's wrong with this people why aren't they calling ambulance?!'

"He's still alive"The man said,his voice was cool not soft but also not cold to listen to but it sounds very husky.

"Then what happened to him?Is he okay?"Another person asked again this time it sounds like a voice of a teenager man.

"I think he's in coma,his meridians is also damaged and his qi are being blocked.This young lad is running something important if i could trouble this miss and this young master please help bring this poor injured fellow to the medical center"

War felt dizzy he couldn't keep up with the situation anymore,he felt someone lifting up his body before he lost consciousness once again.

He doesn't know how much time had past but when he gain consciousness again he still can't move body nor open his eyes,but he still aware of his surroundings.

"What that Young Master said was indeed true,however i still can't figure out what happened to him to receive this such injury."Another voice echoed in War's ear this time it was a voice of another man and it was a very calm voice.

He could feel someone checking his wrist again.

"I heard that the Mountain Snake Tribes had attack some people last night he might be one of their victims?"War is starting to feel really dizzy with all the unfamiliar voice he is hearing,the voice who just talk was rather calm and soft,the person who owns the voice also talks in slow manner like some elegant rich woman.

"I don't think so.This young master doesn't have any trace of poison in him and although he's meridians are damaged and qi was blocked he only have some minor wounds and his head only seems to be banged a little hard making him lost consciousness. As for him being on coma from what i see it's because he had lying in that grass land for days now without food and water thus his body had already lost too much energy"

As the man talk War could feel something penetrating different parts of his body.

'Are they injectioning me?Why is it so many?I'm scared at needles!!!'

"There isn't any missing case since the beginning of the month if he's really had been injured for days how come no one ever looked for him?"

"I already secured the flow of his qi and his wounds are also treated,he won't woke up yet until the next few days by then i will go and ask to see if anyone is looking for this young master.As for my lady,you should get back home now and not bother yourself with this young master anymore"

Winter Chrysanthemum (a yinwar fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant