Chapter 10

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'I can protect him'

War was finally relieve after completing another task however becoming Yin's dicisple are bound brought him new trouble and headache.

The whole TaiHua Mountain was bustling with joy and celebration as if they were celebrating more than just welcoming a new disciple to the sect.

And of course among all those who are happy for War no one could compare to Jui Shen's happiness,she nag all day that War should take a good care of his Shizun.

'I'm starting to have an illusion that i just got married'

[Thats not entirely wrong]


Because of Jui Shen's enthusiasm many has started a gossip that she was making a way for the new master and disciple,this gossip has even made its way down the mountain.

At first War was completely speechless when he first heard about it,but most importantly he was more surprise that people doesn't even care about their relationship as master and disciple or do they care that he was a man.

Perhaps seeing their beloved Yin settle down to the one who could bring him happiness are what important for them.

"Don't hold your sword too tight its restricting your movement"Yin shout his eyes looked like it could kill.

War cuss in his mind,he was almost fainting in exhaustion.

Today was one of the rarest day that Jui Shen was gone to discuss some things with Bai GuangQiao,so taking advantages of his mother not keeping a close eyes to War he immediately pull the poor one to a training.

War tried to lossen up his grip to the sword and repeated the movement Yin had taught him for nth time.

In the end he could no longer continue raise his sword,and just fell down on his knees.

"I can't do this anymore,let me rest!"

The sun was shining fiercely in the sun, making War covered with his own sweat like a newly bath child.

Yin look at him with a bored eyes,not even a hint of pity could be seen as he continue to sip on his tea.

"Lazy brat.Go and take a bath"

War immediately run out of Yin's house before the other could even change his mind afterall he is too moody and his mind really work a little too complicated way.

After bathing War change in a sky blue robes with a simple design,his hair was perfectly tied in half with a white jade hairpin.


"I'm here!Stop shouting"

"Your martial siblings is here!Master Yin is calling for you"

The owner of the title that He YuQing mentioned was no other than Yin's other two disciples his Shijie and Shixiong,Chu ZiYuan and Xiao ZhiZi.

War has no fear at meeting them at all,even though Yin taught those two and basically raised them at a very very young age both of them grew up with a great personality,great patient, and of course great power.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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