Don 2: I Can Change Your Life

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Iruma technically didn't know what the hell is going on right now. He is running fast as ever he could but still not enough to escape with a crazy person whom he didn't even know that currently chasing him around. He sure got great stamina but he is still a child and he can't also battle with this someone who's been chasing him.

He didn't even know how to fight!

Every turn he make, he would try to look at his back to know what is the person appearance or just face but it's keeping itself very well on the shadows of mountain forest. They are now near at the upper down part of the mountain and Iruma didn't know where he should headed too. His instinct telling him just run and that's literally the boy doing right now.

Run for his life

He is not really sure why this kind of thing happen. He can't remember doing a bad deed. Stole? that happen year ago and he didn't do it again. He is now living for his life and lone alone. The boy know that he got new bruises again and some looks very severe but Iruma didn't mind it and still continue to run. He shut his eyes for a moment and run as fast as he can even though his chaser was not so far ahead on him.

It's almost like teasing him

This person could catch him all he want but what is this person holding back for? Should he be gradteful for that or? be afraid that it have hidden agenda more than chasing him down?

Before all this happen, Iruma is just picking up some herbs because winter season is coming. He needs some cold remedies to be ready just incase his body won't keep up from the harsh season again. He sighed and look at the clear blue sky. 

It looks peaceful and so the birds flying around the blue sky. They have freedom and have own choices in life. They can live the life they want since they have wings to go on places they wish. Truly an nice sight.

I wish to be a bird in next life

The boy get up from sitting squatted and stretch out both his arms. He take a look at the herbs he pick and smiled. This should be enough for him. He could pick up more later but now he needs to find food since his stomach is still empty.

He still not eating anything since yesterday.

His stomach grumbled as the thought of eating so he touch his stomach and sadness could be seen in the boy's eyes. He doesn't even know what he should eat today. Should he go on river to catch fish? but Iruma is afraid that some fish started to migrate now in river since the winter is coming. 

He might catch some on luck but he is purely got all bad luck all over in his so probably he will gonna starve to death now. He have another choice for food, its hunting but this boy doesn't even want to kill a land species. 

One time when he is really hungry, he tried to catch a rabbit at the forest and ended up succeeding on getting one but out of pity. He couldn't kill it and offer it as his food so he free it and choose to just steal at a nearby clinic.

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