Don 5: Your Intention?

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Opera is known as right hand advisor of Sullivan, they are strong and very capable to obey the order of their master no matter how hard or deadly might be it, as they arrived at scene. The child they whom chasing fell on the pond. They look at it at disbelief, as they continue to stand and wait if the kid could swim back. Minutes passed on their stand, the waggle stopped. So they walk up at the pond side. 

"Freaking idiot..." By the movements of its hands minutes ago, the child could swam back but what is this they are seeing right at this moment? It stopped? Why? Gritting its teeth and about to took step on the pond when a loud footsteps was heard off coming on.

Looks like the big ample is here

Silently utter in their mind, looking at their back. They were right in guess, it looks came in rush based on how they are having hard time to catch off their breath. They let out a groan and turn the attention back who looks having fun drowning. Opera can't help but to roll its eyes from the scene they are witnessing. 

Looking back at the child in the pond. They stared at it until they had a clearly sight of the child under the water. They couldn't see it face but all of sudden, a hand was reach out. 

'Opera chan! Promise me that every time I will extend my hand it means I seek for help okay? So help me.'

Utter under its breath "Annoying..." Just before Balam could speak, Opera jump off to the pond and immediately find the child, grabbing Iruma who starting to lose it consciousness and on the ground where Balam who didn't have a chance to ask the Consigliere what is happening and as it jump off the pond, he immediately run off on the side to see why this person he look up for suddenly jump off.

Winded their eyes as Balam couldn't believe on what he's seeing right now, the reason they jump off because the child Balam been task for to chase off too was drowning right now. And thus after a minute of waiting, they are now catching some air as they successfully get Iruma at pond. The Consigliere who always having stern face is now looking very worried. It might be just Balam's hallucination or what but he can't be mistaken. Maybe just a glimpse but....

I might have too much consumed weed

"Goddamnit Iruma!" In that loud voice, Balam was woke up in reality. Immediately headed to their side and get the child on Opera's arms. Immediately check its condition, some bruises who is not visible is getting seen now. It's too many but that's not important right now.

The child is too cold! and barely breathing!

Balam exclaimed on his mind. The Capomandemanto won't like if the child is now in danger. It's clear as sky his words. Balam placed the child on the ground and open its airways. Placing their hand at chest and checking it mouth if their even air is going out. Balam start doing the CPR procedure, by giving thirty compressions yet there still no reaction coming from the child. 

Opera on other side get up from the pond and immediately shove off Balam who is about to protest. They are in dire situation. Without hearing from the Consigliere, all of sudden it started to do a mouth to mouth rescue breaths for Iruma.

Mafia Babel DonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora