Don 4: Capomandamento Sullivan

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"Be my grandson, Iruma."

Child Iruma was stunned to hear those words. An unexplained facial expression was written on his face as he tried to understand what he just heard on a person in front of him looks somehow happy?Why? He can't explain things nor properly think at this moment. This might be a joke. Yeah, he totally hearing things now.

But that's nice joke with sounds absurd altogether

But Iruma can't help to directly look at this person's eye.  It has purple sharp eyes that looks very menacing but Iruma doesn't feel scared at all. He might do but just a little, probably because he already meet this person before? but that's not only it. Iruma somehow want to trust this person but he immediately shrugged off that thought. 

Trust? It's not free money to give

This whole situation is giving confusing already so Iruma tries to secretly look around at his surroundings, to check if there is hole that he could use to escape. A perfect exit for him to leave now because it was truly idiot of him to think that he would be just killed right away if he was found but an table turning situation backfired him. Now there too many people in their surroundings.

The child doesn't even inch care about those people nor this person in front of him. Iruma give back his focus on the old man who is still smiling in front of him. Iruma is starting to feel uncomfortable on this. It's old man and he mustn't kneel especially on lowly like him. There's nothing to be kneeled on a peasant like him.

"Are you okay, Iruma kun?"

It worriedly ask him. This also one thing the child is quite curious about. This old man who name he doesn't know, know who he is. Probably make a background check on him? but for what? There's nothing particular special about him to be pay attention or to check. The child shove off slightly the old man making it loosen its holding hands on him. He heard a somehow protest and looking at it, it's the red haired person again. Glaring at him so much. The child gulp. 

What a scary person

Now that the old man wasn't holding him, Iruma took a step back and about to exit when all of sudden he couldn't feel his legs at the ground anymore because all of sudden he was carried by the old man with purple eyes. He tried to fight by resisting as much as he could but the hold only got tighten. Not too much to hurt him but Iruma seriously have no strength to fight with this.

But he doesn't even know what's this old man want on him on first place!

"L-Let go of me." Iruma meek but the child doesn't know if its enough to reach the old man ears because he could literally hear some protest again and it was too loud. Sullivan smiled and slightly toss him upon being carried like a sack of rice. He cuddle the child in his arms to make it stop resisting.

Sullivan knows that this child is tired already. It was quite obvious already. He sigh on the fact that Iruma jump off from the 2nd floor guestroom and it was reported on him immediately.  Instead of getting scared Sullivan get more amazed on the child skill, he is truly unbelievable like how he first met him. He really just getting more interesting on Sullivan. 

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