The date thing

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----a few periods and walk home later----

"Tav, she's here, hurry up!" I called back into the house as I opened the door, "Hey, Vri!"


She had long, messy black hair (but it was like, styled messy so it looked hella rad) and round glasses framing dark blue eyes. A fancy dark blue top hung loosely down off one shoulder along with white short shorts to contrast her tan skin. Eight assorted bracelets collected at her wrist along with small dangling spider earrings.

"You look beautiful, wow!" I said, "If only all the boys could see you now."

"You look great too. With your big sweater and homeless person hair." She laughed.

"Shut up. It's not THAT bad." I mumbled nudging her with my elbow.

"Oh, come on. You look like you came right out from under a bridge." She retorted.

"Now, now... Settle down." Tav said, rolling up next to me.

He had his light brown mohawk as tame as possible and was wearing a white button down and a black jacket.

"Well, don't you look nice." I said, letting Vri pull him out of the house.

"Don't worry, I'll have him back by tomorrow at the latest." She laughed, hurriedly pushing him towards her car, "And don't forget, you're meeting Equius today!"

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