The Storm thing

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"So are you guys, like, best friends... Or...?" Gamzee asked, sitting down with his back against the tree trunk.

"Friends..." I answered, sitting next to him, but not too close, "My parents just kinda abandoned me when I was 4 or 5 and Horrus found me and took me home. Then I met Equius and we've been friends since."

"That's some crazy shit." He said, smiling as a light breeze blew through the park, "Imagine if that one thing didn't happen. What if he didn't find you? What if your parents never abandoned you in the first place?"

"I probably wouldn't be sitting here." I mumbled, looking up at the clouds.

"We'll we wouldn't want that, would we?" He said, quietly, not thinking I could hear it.

We sat and talked about random stuff for a bit longer before it started getting dark.

"That's all up and weird..." Gamzee muttered, checking his phone, "It shouldn't be dark for at least another hour and a half."

"W-was it supposed to rain o-or thunder today?" I stammered, nervously glancing up at the darkening clouds.

"I don't remember but we should motherfuckin get inside somewhere before it starts rainin too bad." Gamzee said as it started pouring.

"Shit" I sighed, pulling my hood over my head as he did the same.

We stood up quickly with all the intention of going inside the nearest building when a crack of thunder sent me back down to the ground, quickly bringing my knees to my chest, covering my ears, hiding my face and squeezing my eyes shut. Another quickly followed and I flinched very noticeably.

"Motherfu-" Another bang cut off his words.

I could already feel the tears mixing in with the rain and the cold seeping through my sweater. Suddenly, I was being picked up, bridal style, and carried. With another shattering bang I turned my face towards his chest and started shaking. Over all the noise of the rain and cars, I could hear his voice,

"You're okay. You'll be fine. It's all okay."

Soon the rain stopped hitting me and a blast of warm air hit me along with the smell of coffee.

"Is she okay?" Someone asked.

"Did something happen? Is she hurt?" Another asked.

Without saying a word he sat me down on the floor in a corner and draped his jacket over me. True it was wet too but it's the thought that counts. Plus, the warm air was quickly drying our clothes.

I heard him order something as another boom seemed to rock the earth. Suddenly, there was something being placed in front of me. I looked up to see hot chocolate. We were in Starbucks.

"Take it." He said, smiling and sitting closely next to me.

"T-thanks..." I said hoarsely, wiping rain and tears from my face.

"It kinda sucks we got-" boom "interrupted like that." He said, as I took a sip of the warm beverage.

"Yeah..." I muttered, "And, sorry you had to carry me. It's just, whenever I hear thunder I'm rendered completely useless and I'm scared."

"It's cool. One of my friends from my old school, Karkat, he was scared of thunder too." He went on, "He could be yelling at you and just suddenly motherfuckin scream because it all up and started storming."

I giggled a bit and he suddenly stopped, as if he saw something perfect.

"What?" I ask him, curious.

"You... You laughed." He sounded confused.

"I-it was more of a giggle but yeah..." I said, taking another sip of my drink.

"I haven't heard you laugh all year." He said, turning to me, "It's the most motherfuckin beautiful sound I've ever heard."

I blushed and hid my face in my knees.

When it stopped thundering, he stood up and held out his hand.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?" I asked, taking it and standing.

"My hive." He stated and I smiled at his habit to make up words.

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