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----later at the park----

When I saw Equius under the big tree, I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged back, picking me up and spinning me around like he always did before planting a small kiss on the top of my head.

"I've missed you!" I squealed a bit loudly.

"13 years of living together and NOW you miss me?" Equius said with a laugh, "How have you been doing?"

"I moved in with Tav and Rufioh. Easier to get to school and Main Street that way. Senior in high school. And I'm graduating soon!" I clapped enthusiastically at the last part.

Man, am I done with school.

Equius chuckled and shook his head.

"Soon you'll be going to college; hopefully not as far as I did. And getting a job. Oh, I'm so proud of you!"

"Why IS your college so far? It's no fun if I can only see you when you're on break." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"Best education Horrus could afford. He wanted me to go. I would've chosen somewhere closer, personally." He stated, brushing his blue-ish black hair away from his face.

His hair fell down a bit past his shoulders but was usually pulled back in a ponytail, except today. Today, it hung loosely around his face, framing his dark blue eyes and perfect jawline. If he wasn't like a brother to me I'd probably tap that. He wore a sleeveless tight blue shirt and tan shorts. Black athletic sneakers paired with striped socks completed his look.

"You know Gamzee, right?" He asked, stepping to the side and pointing to his tall friend.

He smiled at me as I felt a blush work up my face.

His messy black hair was pulled back into an even messier ponytail. Low bangs threatened to cover his dark brown eyes. White and grey face paint strategically applied. He wore a purple hoodie over a tight black tank-top thing. And when I say tight I mean, damn those abs. Ripped black skinny jeans ended with purple vans. Usually he had his guitar on his back but I guess today he didn't want it.

I cast my gaze down at the floor and tried not to smile.


"And Gam, you know Kira?"

Gamzee looked me over and I wondered if I could've chosen something possibly less feminine.

My messy long brown hair was loose around my face. Deciding against makeup, there was noticeable bags under my light brown eyes. Light freckles spotted my cheeks and nose. I wore an oversized grey sweater I borrowed from Tav and faded red skinny jeans. I slipped on my worn jogging sneakers at the last minute before I left.

"History class!" Gamzee said, still smiling, "You sit a row in front of me to the left."

His deep voice plus the fact he remembers who I am makes me blush again.

Stop that.

"You were almost late today..."

"ALMOST late." I mumbled a bit sheepishly.

"Oh, I have to go. Sollux, Aradia, and Nepeta invited me to a movie." Equius said, checking his phone, "You two can chill if you want."

"But, I just saw you... And now you're leaving me, again?" I felt tears sting my eyes and cursed at myself for having fragile feelings.

"We can hang out tomorrow if you want." He said, hugging me again and kissing my cheek, "Plus, I want to tell Nepeta how I really feel this time. I won't chicken out."

"You better not." I mumbled as he ran off.

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