Another Date?

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We quickly ran through the rain, still hand in hand, to his house.

"Kurloz is out for the week with Meulin so I all up and have the place for myself." He said, closing the door behind us.

It was cold and dark with the curtains shut and the heater off. But I liked it. He disappeared up the stairs and came back down a few seconds later with a bundle of clothes and no shirt along with a towel over his head. I couldn't help but stare as he sorted them and threw a shirt and pants at me.

"Change out of your wet clothes." He said, already taking off his pants.

I turned quickly and changed in the next room. I had an oversized short sleeve black shirt with a ":o)" on it, falling off my left shoulder and baggy black and purple poke-a-dot pants. I turned to see Gamzee in identical pants but still with a missing shirt. His hair was down and even messier than before. Not to mention... He wasn't wearing any face paint. He had a light blush on his cheeks.

Holy fuck he's hot.

"Woah... And hey, don't watch me change." I mumbled, blushing and nudging him with my elbow.

"Sorry. Are you cold?" He asked noticing that I was shivering.

I nodded and he led me to a fort or tent like structure in the middle of his living room. Bottles of Faygo were scattered around the entrance along with a stack of 3 empty pizza boxes. Blankets and pillows were jumbled up inside.

"You drink Faygo?" I asked.

"Motherfuckin elixir of the gods." He answered, crawling in and laying on his stomach, facing out.

"I love it." I said and he smiled.

"Miraculous." He laughed, patting the area next to him and grabbing the TV remote.

I crawled in and buried my face in the soft blankets, sighing. He pulled an extra fuzzy one over us and made sure I was covered.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked, flipping the TV on and finding Netflix.

"Rent. I love that movie." I answered quickly, "I'm sorry in advanced if I sing along though."

"I... know all the lyrics to the songs." Gamzee said quietly and blushed a bit, looking away.

I moved closer to him as he started the movie, sharing his warmth.

As we watched the movie I resisted the urge to sing until he started singing "I'll cover you"  and then I couldn't help but sing Angels part.

"You're a good singer." I said, nudging him with my hip.

"So are you." He chuckled, nudging back.

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