Chapter 3: Cooking Class With Techno

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"Sit over there" Techno instructed while pointing to a table with 4 chairs. From the table you could see the kitchen just fine. Once the Gods got seated, Techno started.

"We are going to make potato soup because you now live on a mostly potato farm"Techno took a pause. "Okay first we are going to wash the potatoes." Techno said while walking towards a pale water placed on the countertop. He started to wash the potatoes. After washing them he went back to the countertop where he was before.

"Now we are going to cut them. You can peel them if you want but I prefer them with the skin on" Techno started to chop them " Cut them into fourths if you don't know what a fourth is it is four pieces" Techno look at Tommy while saying that. Using his impressive knife skills because of Blood God . Tommy scoffed lightly Techno turned his attention to the small fire on the opposite side of the room. The was a cauldron looking thing with water already in it.

"Make sure the water is boiling and not simmering. Think big bubbles not small. Also don't forget the salt. It will make the water boil faster and it will add some taste." Techno looked over to the Gods. Phil was really the only one paying attention while Will was half paying attention half watching Tommy trying to tie his shoe. Let's say he was struggling.

"Tommy, it's easier to make one loop than to tie it to the other. Any 16 year old would know that." Techno said while smirking. Tommy is now red as a tomato.

"Anyways you need more than potatoes apparently." Techno said quietly scoffing " Add some washed carrots and celery it adds some flavor and nutrients. Now I will repeat that you can forget the salt but also don't over salt it." Now Phil was the only one paying attention to Techno while Wilbur and Tommy messed with each other. To be real Techno didn't care he was just glad that Phil was listening. 

"Now add some seasonings and a little bit of chicken broth then wait 45 minutes and you'd be good" Techno glanced at the gold clock that he has on his pants. "There's a clock on the wall" Techno said while looking at a confused group of Gods. 

Techno hated how unfair life was. He hated how you can be a God and that mortals would just be pawns in a game they didn't know they were playing. But he also loved how they don't care if they die. Like Ranboo and Tubbo, two kids who pranked everyone. No one cared, they just laughed along with the joke. Tubbo was a loud crazy kid that cared too much. Ranboo on the other hand was quiet but still just as impulsive as Tubbo he was so nice no one would say no. They were dating but no one cared; they wanted them to be happy. Tubbo wanted to open a flower shop when he turned 18 while Ranboo wanted to work with his partner no matter what. Also Techno was jealous of them. They had a family one Techno didn't have. Being a God you didn't have a family. You could fall in love or something like that like The God of Sleep and Manipulation are dating. The Gods of Fire, Luck and Time are friends but more like dating everyone knows that. The Gods have gossip but Techno tries to stay out of it but sometimes you get roped in. Techno didn't like anyone and no one liked him. Even as a God, Techno looked like a renegade. Everyone hated him. That's one of the many reasons why Techno likes to be with the mortals; they didn't know the past in which Techno wanted to forget. Watching these Gods trying to figure out mortal ways make Techno believe there is still good in the world.

“Okay it's been 45 minutes lets eat”. Techno smiled while The Gods looked super excited.Techno poured some soup in the bowls and slid them across the counter. Immediately they dug in.

“This is so good” Tommy said with his mouth full

“Mate, eat with your mouth closed” Phil said while chuckling

“Okay tomorrow I'm going to show you guys around the town and get you guys ready for your jobs” Techno paused. The Gods nodded “ Imma leave now i'll be here at 7 am be awake nerds”

The Gods smiled saying their goodbyes. Till tomorrow.

I love this fic so much. Ummm i really dont have anything to say so umm Bye!!!! Oh the Tommyinnit vid super funny
Eat sleep drink water and stay poggers
-King :)

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