Chapter 5: The Town

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The town was busy and messy. But that was to be expected if your mayor is an alcoholic and a (censor word for the children). But either way everyone was happy to live their mortal lives. Like always Tubbo and Ranboo were doing their chaotic little gremlin thing. The school children running around the school yard. And their teacher, the supposed most beautiful girl in the town, personally Techno didn't feel any attraction to the woman. Yeah she was pretty but not wanting to be in a relationship with her. But yet she had every guy around her finger. She was blessed by the God of Love. She had salmon colored hair about as long as Technos. She had a short sleeve green flower print dress. A white apron was tied around her waist. Her face was covered in freckles; it seemed to glow in the light. The children flood around her. Her name was Sally Sander (Not Thomas, Sally). And as soon as Wilbur set his eyes on her, a light blush settled on his face.

"Not you too" Techno said with a sigh

"What do you mean she  beautiful" Wilbur said throwing his hands down slightly

"Whatever shoot your shot man" Techno said 

Phil mutter under " I bet he won't get the girl"

"Ten coins if your right" Tommy said


Techno who huffed a laugh out after hearing the bet while Wilbur was still in la la land.  Techno showed them around the town. Passing  by Niki’s Bakery the sweet smell of lemon bars. Tommy was almost drooling at the smell of them. Techno saw out of the corner of his eye.

“Do you want to go in Tommy” Techno said, giving Tommy a small smile.

“Of course that smells amazing” Tommy said, already going in.

“Hello, welcome to Niki’s Bakery! How may I help?”A sweet voice rang out as the bell jingled behind the group.

“Halo Niki” Techno said

“Techno it's been so long.” A girl with short pink hair. She wore a black dress also with an apron covered in flour. Niki saw the people behind Techno. “ You have friends Techno! I didn't know that”

“Wow, that was unnecessary Niki. And for your information they are old friends who need a job so I gave Phil a choice to work for me. And the other 2 are just here.” Techno said while pointing at the Gods.

“Haha okay, well since you guys are new you guys get a treat. On the house!” The short pinkette said excitedly.

“Oh Niki, you don't need to do that.” Phil said now speaking up

“Oh I insisted” Niki explained 

“Just say yes Phil it's not hard.” Tommy said, have been done with these conversions ages ago.

“We'll get 3 lemon bars please.” Techno said cutting off an argument before it got out of control.

“Of course Techno!” Niki paused, “Do you have any potatoes that I can buy? I want to try something new”

“Of course I do Niki, you know you can just come to my farm and pick anything you want. Right?” Techno said while huffing out a laugh.

“I know but I feel like I need to ask” The pinkette said while handing the bars to Phil “I hope you enjoy them. I have a lot of lighter food coming out because well it's spring!”

“I'm excited for it Niki!” Phil said after taking a bite of the bar.”This is so good.”

“OMG THIS IS SO GOOD!!!” Tommy said shouting then he turned to Techno “Why do you have to live on a farm? What can't you have a bakery like Niki”

“Why do you ask”

“Maybe I want free baked goods,”Tommy said while crossing his arms. Niki started  to giggled while everyone else was laughing.

“Well goodbye Niki we have to go and unfortunately socialize” While walking out the door with the Watsons following Techno like lost puppies.

“Ok bye Techno! And others!” Niki said while waving to her new friends. 

*looks at last time i posted laughed nervosly*
Okit been a bit BUT
I have the same user name on there as will
Eat sleep drink water and stay poggers.

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