Chapter 4. Testing the waters.

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"Everyone has been looking forward to this day ever since Eran returned from his scouting trip and told us about your fighting skills", Roka said looking over his shoulder every five seconds to assure they were still behind him. "I guess they're really hoping that one of you might be able that knock our dark Prince of his pedestal."

"Why is a Prince involved in the guard program?" Kai asked after sharing a look with Sebastian.

"He isn't", Roka snorted. "As fifth Prince of the realm he has no real shot at the Throne and is being trained to lead our most elite bodyguards." He glanced at them. "He's obnoxiously good and knows it. We like to set him up against new blood. Until now nobody has been able to defeat him."

Sebastian felt excited knowing that a challenge lay ahead. Since he wasn't afraid to fail he always welcomed these kind of tests. It gave a clear insight in what he lacked and therefor had to work on.

To the side of the barracks was a large barn which ground floor was covered with all sorts of weapons and gear used for training, while the first floor housed Franklin's office.

Kai didn't have the best experiences with paper-pushers and rolled her eyes when Roka knocked on the door and she heard a very bored voice say: "Enter".

A man in his early twenties, deeply invested in his book, hardly moved when they stepped into the small space.

"Hey, Florian", Roka greeted him with nonchalance indicating to Kai and Sebastian that this apparently was a common thing. "I was hoping to find your father. Is he around?"

"No", Florian answered without looking up. "He's in the Pitt, preparing for the new arrivals."

"Okay", Roka nodded clapping his hands with enthusiasm. "If you would be so kind to register Kai and Sebastian, I'll go downstairs and get their uniforms."

"Wait a minute. You...", Florian started and chocked on air when he saw Kai. "What...who are you?" he stuttered turning beet red under Kai's unwavering gaze.

"My son and I are here to enter the Guard Program."

"Nonsense", Florian gasped standing up. "How could I allow such a handsome man to be associated with those uneducated mud wrestlers." He shook his head vehemently. "You would be far better suited to teach archery. Please tell me you know how to use a bow and arrow, because the ladies will line up for classes once they get sight of you."

"I came here under the assumption that I would be training guards", Kai said letting her stare grow cold. "Not to entertain giddy schoolgirls."

"Ladies of Royal blood", Florian corrected her.

Kai rolled her eyes. "Even worse."

The door opened before Florian could respond to that statement and an exited Eran entered.

"Are you done with the paperwork?" he asked. "Cause I'm eager to take these men down to the Pitt."

"No way am I allowing that man to be exposed to those rough hooligans", Florian exclaimed pointing at Kai. "Let me sign him up for archery classes. With his appearance we'll have no problem filling that curriculum."

"What does his appearance have to do with anything?" Eran asked with surprise.

"Have you seen the man?" Florian gasped. "He's gorgeous."

"What are you yapping about?" Eran threw a quick glance over his shoulder. "You know that I don't swing that way." He took a step forward tapping a finger on the desk. "I scouted him, well both of them, for Gold Level. Prince Ryu will graduate in a month and Sebastian is a perfect candidate to take his place. Your father already signed off on the tests, so do you job and fill out the paperwork."

Sebastian, who had followed everything in silence, took a step forward.

"What is Gold Level?"

Florian cleared his throat, but Eran beat him to the punch.

"The Elite", the scout stated with pride. "Specially trained guards for the inner palace."

Kai ignored the pang of pain when those words sparked heavy feelings of nostalgia. Funny how the life she never wanted prepared her so well for the life she led today. All those years of being a sparring partner for her brothers paid off in the end. Both Sebastian and she should be skilled enough to earn their spot.

Florian, who was still clinging to his hope to wrangle Kai into archery classes ignored Eran's request to register the newcomers and stomped off to see his father.

Kai and Sebastian quickly changed into the uniforms that Roka brought them and followed him and Eran to the Pitt.

Sebastian noticed how all the uniforms were basically the same. Only difference was the color of the patch on their left arm sleeve. He enjoyed the fact that his father might be the smallest one of all the men here, but she exuded an energy that made everyone take notice.

In a glance Kai noticed that Franklin, unlike his son, was or had been a soldier. Thank the Goddess. She was also glad that he took it upon himself to scold the boy for overstepping his bounds.

"I'm sorry for what my son said to you, Kai", the man rushed to say once Eran introduced them. "He put the interests of the students first as we are looking for someone to teach archery. However that is a discussion we can have later. Let's see how well you hold up against our best", Franklin smiled guiding Kai to the center of the Pitt where a small crowd had gathered.

"Eran assures me that you could try out for Gold Level, but we have a more urgent need for our Guard Program. Clear that and if I like what I see I might let you try out for more. Fair?" he asked.

"Fair", Kai agreed.

Suppressing a sigh she saw her opponent waiting for her. How disappointing. It seemed she had to start at the bottem and work her way up.

The crowd was roaring when Kai took down opponent number one in two seconds flat, making Florian drop his pen. After sighing at Eran's smug smile he scratched out two names.

"Neola", he called out.

"Don't be a prick and let the man face the one we've all been waiting for", Eran said loud enough for the crowd to hear, resulting in a loud roar.

Sebastian looked around trying to pick out his father's next challenger. Surely a Prince with such an infamous reputation would stand out. He felt a little disappointed when after scanning the available candidates nobody really stood out. It came as a strange relief when they were informed by a servant that the Prince was attending to other urgent business.

Prince Ryu was nowhere near the training grounds. He had far more important things on his mind than defeating two newcomers. He received word that his father suddenly fell ill. It wasn't the first time, but the frequency of the health scare increased over the past year. Wanting to be prepared for what possibly might come next he was on his way to the library.

"Why don't we give you a demonstration instead of these tedious sparring sessions?" Kai suggested waving at Eran who quickly got the message.

"A training? Like the one I saw?" he asked with an infectious glee.

The gathered crowd was ready to see any kind of action and cheered loudly. Faced with that much pressure, Florian caved and nodded his consent. Franklin lifted his chin proudly, as if everything went the way his son had planned. Even though the younger man had been disruptive, Kai felt touched by the devotion the older man showed his son.

Giving this demonstration was a good plan and Sebastian kicked himself for not thinking about it first. It perfectly showed their offensive and defensive skills. He had no idea in what level it would place them, but the knowledge they demonstrated here was top tier when it came to commercial security. That should mean something.

Kai looked around, straitened her uniform and took centerstage. 'If only her father could see her now', she smiled, starting her teachings in front of eager eyes. 

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