(I let out a gasp)

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"Oh he's so hot I can't" I thought.

"I know I'm hot af, care to tell me more, Kellin?" Vic said suggestively.

"Oh shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud!" I thought

"Well you did." He said, rolling his eyes and grabbing his member, which slightly resembled a tent.

They started humping profusely, Kellin silently praying to tacos for this night he and Vic we're going to share.

But who would've guessed that it might be their last...

I'm actually crying from how bad that was.
Don't do that it's not cute.

"Member" I shutter. It's a fuckin dick.

Literally here's a mini fic for you guys who like to use dick substitutes:
Frank groaned, grabbing his package, "Come on, I need this!" He screamed, begging for release.

Suddenly, Gerard walked in and saw the trouble Frank was in.

He dived in like a bird going for the worm, but instead of meeting lunch, he met Frank's lil' buddy.

As he pumped up and down on Frank's generous length, he could think nothing but about the short boy in front of him.

"Ge-Gee tha-t fee-lls ugh." He groaned in pleasure as the sensation rocked his body to its core.

As Gerard readied himself for Franks release, he suddenly went down on Franks wooden steak, savoring each taste as if it was his last.

Frank gave in to Gerard's games, releasing the biggest load he had ever emptied.

They collapsed on the sheets, tired, but satisfied.
*goes to hell*
Mickey Mouse speaks, "That's all folks!"
Parents give me back to satan
School expels me for failing English


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