Don't even think about it

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•Rape where everything ends up fine.(If Gerard gets drunk, rapes frank and Frank just needs one chapter to get over it and everything's totally a okay.) <----- that is not o-fucking-Kay.

(Also no MCR references that are overused.)(see above I'm not okay refrence)

Rape is not something someone can forget and forgive over. Especially if they were in a prior relationship.



No more milk fic.

Ryan does not fucking kneel in the bathtub.

Also, why the fuck did Spencer sometimes watch?


Don't put all 5+ of your favorite bands in the fic.

Omg main character happens to be BFF's with FOB, ATL, MCR, P!ATD, and PTV omg because that happens so much in real life.

Don't be that person.


If my mom, the most chill mom in the universe won't let me go to my friends house on a school night, then how the fuck is your character staying at their boyfriends house for weeks without anyone worrying?

It just doesn't happen.


Don't don't don't base a main character off yourself.

The character development basically goes nowhere, and it doesn't allow you to develop as a writer.

Also, it makes you more attached to a character, therefore, you naturally want only good things to happen to that character.

I've made this mistake before, and the story was fucking awful, and the character turned into a whiny bitch.


If you make a sequel when their is no need for a sequel, you can go to hell.

Sequel=more trouble for characters

Unless you need a sequel because you ended the story on a huge cliffhanger, or you have had one planned from the beginning, don't make a sequel.


I love bands,(and their music obviously), but if you have a character sing a song in the story, don't write out the lyrics. 95% of the time the reader skips them anyway.

Just say something like, "Gerard nervously sang the opening lines to American Idiot. As the song came to a close, Gerard could see Frank out of the corner of his eye. He did a double take as he saw what looked like tears rolling down Frank's face."

(Obviously not exactly like that, but you get the idea)


Ok, so I'm done now.

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