Common Themes

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Holy crap guys I'm getting tickets to the Pierce The Veil & Sleeping With Sirens world tour
If you want to write a good fanfiction, choose a plotline that hasnt been done 50 times

Common Themes include:

•Suicidal character that needs "fixing" (most likely from romantic interest)

•Institutes, (don't even bother writing anymore, as nothing can be better than A Splitting Of The Mind.)

•high school AU in which both characters are stoners/loners/bullied/depressed/mental and they find each other and everything is alright.

Like no my depression can not be fixed with your dick.

Although my whole virgin thing can.

•bands starting in high school. There is no way that your band can become super famous while your in high school like no.

Omfg we are ptv in a high school AU and we just sold out Madison Square Garden, yet we go to public school, get bullied into a pulp, and have parents that aren't home or in our lives at all.

•ta da more clichés

•idk what you think but I'm a fucking genius and if you give me shit for my opinions I'll give you shit for your flat ass. Okay? Nokay.

•what did I just make a crossover TFIOS/MCR refrence omfg not intentional I swear.

•If Kellin is bleeding out on the ballroom floor,(hehe get it) and Vic finds him and brings him to the hospital where Kellin is fine and healed and ready to leave by the next day I'll chop mikey ways dick off and hang it on my wall as a trophy of me meeting mikey way and getting him to show me his dick.


•someone go write a fic about that now pls

•"The Dick Fic"

•(aka every bandom fanfic ever)

•idk man



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