Tenjiku vs Toman

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"Are you really okay with this?," Kakucho asked his h/c friend

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"Are you really okay with this?," Kakucho asked his h/c friend. The two stood beside each other dressed in their uniforms. They were passing time waiting for the battle. "Kisaki is using Izana, therefore using us. Why did we need to kill for this?" Y/n turned her body in his direction.

"We follow Izana, Kakucho. If he wishes to listen to Kisaki's words then we are to do the same. Take your feelings out of this. You can't fight for our kingdom with your head clouded with junk like that." She turns and starts walking. She raises her hand gesturing for him to follow. "Besides, if anything happens we're strong enough to defend ourselves against anything." She lowers her voice in a cold almost whisper tone. "I won't let anything happen to you or Izana." Kakucho felt her cold aura as he fell into step with her.

"I'm with you two till the end," Kakucho confirms. Y/n nods and they make there way to the soon to be war zone.

All of Tenjiku was waiting for Toman's arrival. Izana was passing the time beating the shit out of top delinquents. Y/n was smirking watching from her crisscross position at Kakucho's feet. She would occasionally make comments about how lame the so call 'top delinquents' looked. Those comments caused some chuckles amongst Tenjiku.

"Tonight, history will be made. The night that Tokyo's greatest gangs assemble. Shinjuku's 'Onzuku Kizoku', Kichijoiji's 'SS', Ikebukuro's 'ICBM', Ueno's 'Night Dust', Yokohama's 'Chameleon', and other deliquent gangs I have Acknowledged. All of them.." Izana said. Izana step back from the higher ups, "How disappointing! Are you telling me these guys are at the top right now?"

"Izana," Kakucho said seriously. "It's already 10pm. it looks like Toman ain't gonna come," he finished. Y/n sighed in disappointment.

"Huh, I see," Izana says looking down.

"Rindou and I delt with Mitsuya and Smiley," Shion says from against a shipping container. "Mucho and Y/n delt with the first division," Shion continues.

Koko stay's quite, "you made a wise decision didn't you, Kokonoi?" Koko ignores Shion's question. "Then Mikey and Draken were both crushed by Kisaki." Y/n stood and jumped behind Hanma patting his back.

"You chose a pretty great bestie huh, Hanma?" Y/n said with a teasing chuckle. Hanma smirked at the shifters comment.

"From the looks of it, Toman is pretty done for," Hanma stated. Y/n settled herself next to Hanma leaning her hip against his shoulder.

"I don't favor the way he did it though," Mochi stated glaring at Kisaki.

"Aw come on Mochi. It wasn't like he told you to do it," Y/n said with her iconic a teasing tone. This caused Mochi to scoff and was about to bicker with her.

Before he could though Mucho stood up and said, "Izana." This caused Tenjiku as a whole to look at the him. "Us S-62 who were called he worst generation, lost our dreams. Now yo have made them all come true." These words brought a small smirk to Izana's face. "This is the end of Toman."

"From now on, Tenjiku will slowly rise to the top. We'll take over the gangs in Tokyo, get involved in the mature underground business. It doesn't matter if it's Yakuza or what. We'll destroy anyone who opposes us." Izana's speech brings a wicked smirk to Y/n's face. "We'll dominate the underground worl of Japan."

"Toman is a pretty useless bunch without Mikey," Shion says. Y/n jumps down from behind Hanma and goes back to her original spot beside Kakucho.

She puts her hands in her pockets and listens to Mochi's statement. "And no one's coming too, what a boring bunch."

Y/n sighs and puts on a pouting face, "man, this sucks. I was looking forward to a nice brawl." She shifts into Mikey then into Draken, "even if the strongest weren't there." She finishes shifting into herself again.

Izana chuckles patting the girls head, "there will be plenty more." Y/n smiles at that.

"That guy will definitely come." Kisaki says ruining the moment. Izana looks at Kisaki confused while Y/n tilts her head.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Izana asks Kisaki. Kisaki brings a finger to his lips and shushes them. They suddenly hear foot steps.

"Don't tell me..." Kakucho says as Y/n steps forward with a smile. She holds her spot next to Izana as someone in Tenjiku asks 'are you serious'.

"Toman has arrived!" Chifuyu shouts, "everyone gather around!" As Tenjiku faces Toman Kisaki stares at Takemichi.

"I have been waiting for you, Hero."

A/N: heyo so a lot of people read this and I'm not sure how to feel about it. Anyway mind leaving comments? I enjoy reading them.

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